
  1. jbholasingh

    Different Types of Pulsing Xenia

    Can we compile a list in this thread of the different types of "Pulsing Xenia Corals". Please include common names and scientific names if you can along with a picture that you think is representative of that type. Any additional information/personal experience with that type of xenia would also...
  2. Toygar Niron

    Is this a type of Live Rock?

    Hello Guys, I cannot find a description for the type of rock I have added images to. To me these are not suitable for aquariums. I think colonies started to be sold as rocks after coral bleaching problems. Anyone have an idea about this?
  3. dcom

    Help identifying/sexing horsies

    Hi guys, Ive got these seahorses through a friend and I cant really tell if these are: - 1 male and 1 female (erectus/lined). - Or 1 Ingen and 1 reidi (not necessarily male and female). I've attached 2 photos of each. The overall body shape and specially their abdomens are very different. Does...
Reef Breeders