
  1. Coker

    EMERGENCY Copper band twitching

    I have a copper band butterfly that i have had for over a month and he just started twitching out of the blue. Could this just be stress related as i have just moved him to a different qt or am i looking at something that i need to treat here?
  2. golgobot

    Purple Tang Twitching. Eating Well. Neurological Damage?

    I have a new purple tang I bought off LA. I QT'ed for two weeks without any treatment before placing in DT. No visible marks on the skin or in or near the gills. However, this fish is super twitchy. It's like it has a tick. He's eating voraciously, but just acting super twitchy. Here's a video...
  3. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Powder Brown Twitching

    In my previous thread, I have a powder brown tang that twitches when I turn on the lights. As suggested, I left my lights off for 72 hours and let the natural light cycle run. Didn’t help, he continues to twitch and swim really fast around the tank when the lights are on.. I have no idea what to do.
  4. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Powder Brown Twitching

    Just got a powder brown tang for my secondary tank at around 1, temp. acclimated him for about 15 minutes and acclimated him for an hour. Once I put him in he was doing fantastic, swimming around and picking algae off of the rocks and exploring every nook and cranny of the tank. I left the...