tuxedo urchin

  1. FishAreCool

    Clown Goby And Urchin Questions

    I have a 16 gallon biocube with some snails that don't eat a lot of algae, zoanthids and a blastomussa coral, and a citron goby. My question is, I have a lot of algae growth on my sand bed and it looks like I am getting some hair algae on my rocks. I just got the corals yesterday. If I were to...
  2. B

    Starving urchin?

    I've made similar posts to this but I haven't really gotten an answer I feel satisfied my questioning. I just recently fought off a massive Dino outbreak. Due to the dino, there was no other algae in the tank. I'm worried my urchin might starve soon, the reason I say this, when I add Nori to a...
  3. Swayingoceans

    Different Urchins in the same tank?

    Hi everyone, can a tuxedo urchin and a diadema urchin live in the same 75 gallon tank or is having only the one best? I'm working on building up my clean up crew. (Bonus pic of Quill aka Sir Quillsalot, pretending to be king of the reef).
  4. ajtomase

    Starfish, urchin, or both in tank

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?
  5. Sleeping Giant

    Tuxedo urchin with GSP

    Love this, the GSP is doing great and so is the tuxedo urchin.
  6. Cantusaurus

    California WTB Looking for a Tuxedo or Pincushion Urchin (LA area)

    Hi I am looking for a tuxedo urchin, or pincushion, and I am wondering if anyone has one that they do not need or want anymore that I can buy off them in the Los Angeles area. If so let me know :) Thanks I can also trade some corals with you for it.
  7. Cantusaurus

    Tuxedo Urchin looks strange, stressed? falls over?

    Hi, so I got a red tuxedo urchin recently (about 4-5 days ago) A TINY one (aquacultured), I had never seen one this small. I acclimated him (admittedly quickly) I wanted to get him into the tank quickly, but I did do a quick drip acclimation. I put him in and he looked great. The next day he...
  8. Chipper1978

    Tuxedo Urchin Carrying Turbo Snail!

    My blue tuxedo urchin has decided to wear my large turbo snail and is carrying it up the side of the tank! I can’t believe it is strong enough to do this! For the sake of the snail, I’m thinking I will need to gently pull the snail off sooner rather than later. Will this hurt the urchin?
  9. LxHowler

    Are tuxedo urchins pincushion urchin?

    My LFS had a sale on purple pincushion urchins and said they are the same as my tuxedo urchin so could share a tank? Is this correct or am I being given bad information, wouldn't be the first time, I really like urchins so I would like to have both but is it possible?
  10. hds4216

    Help! How the heck do I feed my tuxedo urchin?

    I bought a tuxedo urchin because I think they're awesomely cool and my LFS had them in stock for the first time I can remember. However, I don't have any algae haha. I have some nori, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to feed it. It never finds the nori clip, and if I try to place...
  11. LxHowler

    Can I take stuff off my urchin

    So I know urchins like to take stuff to try and disguise themselfs but I never expected this one. My tuxedo urchin is walking around with a piece of egg crate. I was wondering if it is safe to take it off of it as this was holding a plug of rasta zoa's and I don't have any spare to replace it. I...
  12. Sleeping Giant

    My 75 gallon video

  13. LxHowler

    Can tuxedo urchin knock snails off

    Hi. So, a few weeks back I got a tuxedo urchin, from all of my research I found people saying they are reef safe and can coexist with other inverts. But since I have had the urchin in the tank I am seeming to be constantly rescuing my trochus snails that are upside down on the sand bed. I...
  14. Jax15

    Ever seen a tuxedo urchin spawn?

    The other day I noticed that my tuxedo urchin had climbed to the top of a rock, and started spewing powdery stuff from its top. It continued to pour out for 20 min or so, seemed never ending (the fish loved it! A mid-day snack). I've heard of clams doing this, but have never seen anything like...
  15. C

    If only urchins could see...

    They would be unstoppable and the perfect algae control. Unfortunately, one of mine spends entirely too much time lost on the glass... The time it is "working" on the rocks, it has made a amazing difference! Just a week ago ALL of my rocks were covered in this...whatever collection of algae...
  16. lazycouch

    tuxedo urchin help!!! please

    hey guys i just woke up to my tuxedo urchin battling this small pump i have he didn’t climb on it but he decided to travel in front of it and lost some spines around that area where he was. is this because of the flow or do i need to act quick and help him out? he’s been eating gracileria and...
  17. A

    Red tuxedo urchin

    My red tuxedo urchin died today and I was hoping to get some ideas as to why. I have had him for two weeks and he was doing good traveling the tank no spine loss. This evening I found his remains. He hadn't shown any signs of sickness no spine loss and was moving around last night. I've not been...
  18. N11morales

    Adding Tuxedo Urchin?

    Hello, I have really wanted to add a tuxedo urchin to my 32G biocube. I’m not sure if I can add one yet though. My tank has only been completely cycled for about 2 months now. I don’t have much algae due to the cuc I already have: 3 turbo snails, 5 nassarius, and 2 astrea snails. I had read I...
  19. V

    Urchin White Balls?

    Hello! I have two urchins, a pincushion and a tuxedo. Recently, one of them started getting these white balloon like balls coming out of it. Can anyone identify what they are? Pictures attached
  20. urchin full.jpg

    urchin full.jpg

    Blue tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus)
  21. ReeferDave01

    My experience with GHA

    I have 220 gallon main tank + 60g tank & 80g sump all connected for total of ~350g system, mostly fish. I have probably 30 fish between 2 tanks, small number of corals. I never had any nuisance algae problems until I added 4xT5's to my Orbit Pro Marine LEDs and GHA seemed to sprout like weeds...
  22. ThunderGoose

    Weight Lifting Urchin

    I was looking in my tank today and noticed one of my macroalgae seemed to be floating about halfway up the tank. That's annoying since I tied them to rubble with fishing line to keep them in place. I took a closer look. Yep, that's a red tuxedo urchin who decided to "wear" my macroalgae and...
  23. haleyf1024

    Mystery Striped/Red Urchin?

    Anyone know what this guy is? He looks a bit weird right now as he went into defense mode and stuck most of his pins straight up. He has a black body, with the 5 black lines separating his body into sections (just like any old tuxedo urchin.) but his pins are half striped white and maroon/red...