turf alage

  1. J

    Tangs in 75 gallon reef

    Hi all, I have a 3x2x20” reef that has some persistent turf algae. I have a one spot foxface that occasionally eats some but not enough to make a dent. Other current fish include 2 clowns, a melanaurus wrasse, a flame hawk, and 5 small chromis. My nutrients are very low now, with nitrates...
  2. J

    Turf Algae?

    Hi all, I have had this algae in my reef for a few months now. I believe it’s mostly turf algae though some appears to be stringy like hair algae. It’s very difficult to remove from the rocks like turf algae. I have been treating with microbacter clean daily for probably about 8 weeks now but...
  3. stephanjupillat

    is this turf algae?

    Hey guys. I'm having trouble identifying this algae. It's growing in clumps everywhere in the tank. Mostly on rocks or frag plugs. It's really tough to pull off. Looks like small lettuce. I'm thinking turf algae as it doesn't look like anything else. haha And then what eats it? I only have a 60...
  4. B

    EMERGENCY Algae identification help

    My tank is around one month old and all params are good(nitrate 10 ammoni 0 nitrite 0) but I am having this red hair algae/diatoms on my rock is this what that is? Is this Dino? If so how can I remove without taking apart tank as I have new fish and corals in
  5. V

    Advice with dealing with some Turf(?) Algae

    Hey guys, as the title has said above, I need some advice with dealing with this turf algae. Thanks in advanced! I mainly have two questions, 1. Any suggestions on how to deal with this algae? 2. I've noticed my nutrients being undetectable and my monti cap is starting to lose colour due...
  6. LEOreefer

    Algae question.

    Hello all, I am a experienced reefer that recently suffered a tank crash. I restarted my system fresh with new dry rock and marine pure bio block. I went through the stages of cycling never got diatoms but got some sort of brownish green Matt algae. My question my rock now appears to have a...
  7. ZoWhat

    Help me understand

    Help me understand the BALANCING-ACT once you're infested with GHA On one hand, in order to minimize or eliminate GHA you have to STARVE the tank of Nitrates & Phosphates.... this leads to your corals STARVING.....where they just maintaining their size but NEVER grow. On the other hand, if you...
  8. pelphrey

    Kentucky Santa Monica RAIN2 - Algae Turf Scrubber

    Used ATS with 4 gem5 lights. The bottom of the base has some blemishes, I attempted to glue some legs on at one point. Can't be seen once installed in your system. I did replaced one of the light connections. It will come with end caps, without the end caps you have to run all 4 lights. With the...
  9. LEOreefer

    Need help with alage

    I’ve been battening this alage on a new tank for about a month now not sure what kind it is. But it’s extremely tough, I can’t scrub it off or pull it off. I also cannot take the rock out of the tank as it’s epoxied into one structure. My tuxedo urchin does eat it but only little bit at a time...
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