turbo snail

  1. C

    EMERGENCY Snails dying when out in tank after acclimation

    Tank is 4 month old, YWG and Clownfish, black foot trochus snail and 3 hermits. About a month ago I bought 2 turbos, 2 nassarius and a nano conch. Drip acclimated how I always do, 1/1.5 hours emptying half of the water out each 30 mins. As soon as I add them to the tank, the conch is flipping...
  2. jpmazzone

    Massachusetts Live Goods CUC - Free if you live near Scituate, MA

    I overbought CUC for my reef. I can spare 3 large Mexican Turbo snails, 2 large nassarius snails, 3 trochus snails and 4 blue legged hermit crabs. Send me a note if interested.
  3. Wamland

    Carpet anemone decides to take a ride on turbo

    Love when they decide to tour the tank on bareback
  4. M

    Feather Duster on Turbo Snail

    Help ID this hitchhiker? My turbo snail was giving the Nero 5 a good cleaning and I notice the red glow coming from the shell. Looks like a feather duster but I’m not sure if that’s the actual name or if it’s actually some sort of tube worm.
  5. CheetoReef

    Turbo snail going to work

    Tank is approx 1.5 month old. waterbox cube 20 Floss > chemipure blue > poly filter pad. Video for attention. Dragon Thorn Turbo snail putting in work on my first brown ugly phase. I only clean the 3 sides.
  6. Kerbash

    Sick Turbo Snails???

    Hey, Does anyone have experience with weird acting snails? Got 3 new turbo snails around 3 weeks ago, but the weird thing is they have been in the exact same spot since I placed them down, two of them will not come out of its shell, the other one does come out but cant stick to anything, are...
  7. E

    Giant turbo snail

    I have 5 giant turbo snail in a 135 gallon aquarium but need to medicate the tank with copper, will the snail eat my coral in a 20 gallon reef tank ?
  8. djm

    Snail ID

    Hi Guys can anyone help me with an ID of these baby snails which have appeared in my tank. I’ve seen approx 3 grazing on top of my rocks. I haven’t seen any snails laying eggs so not sure if it’s hitch hiked in on some frags. In the tank I have a couple of turbos, Astraeas and Babylon snails.
  9. sarinaruu

    baby turbo snail?

    saw this guy on my rocks, and now he’s on my glass. i thought it was an elephant snail but his foot and mouth looks like my turbo! except he doesn’t have a shell, i’d love to know about their breeding habits. i’ve had my turbos about 4 months now.
  10. maxemorris

    Turbo Snail Sitting on Sandbed

    I got my mexican turbo snail about a week ago from my lfs, and it immediately found a crevice in my rock and didn’t come out. A few days later he was on top of the rock, and in attempt to make him do his job I stuck him to the glass. He was on there for a while and when I came back to check on...
  11. MmeAssoc

    Tiny shellfish attached to my turbo snail?

    Hello, My turbo snail flipped itself over this morning, and when I was helping it back upright I noticed it seems to have a very small critter with a shell attached to it: It has a curved shell that looks a bit like a cockle but seems to only have one side, and a little black 'neck' that is...
  12. Gonj

    Mystery snails taking over sump??

    I noticed these small snails all over my sump, filter socks, etc. I haven’t seen any in the display as of yet. I do have 2 turbo snails in my sump so I’m not sure if it’s possible they laid some eggs that hatched ? I doubt it as they seem to be really flat. I attached some pictures of one of the...
  13. O

    Nasarius Snails eating Turbo Snail

    Woke up to feed the fish in the morning, then I saw three of my nasarius eating one turbo snails, the turbo snail didn't seem to be dying since I saw it last night moving in the glass, maybe it fell off and couldn't get up again? Is this a normal behaviour for nasarius?
  14. PocketClam

    Catseye Turbos

    I noticed a few local stores starting to carry these and they seem to stay pretty small, just a bit bigger than a trochus (maybe smaller than some of the giants at that). My question is, do these smaller turbos still eat macroalgae like their larger cousins? I mainly keep halimenia and...
  15. R

    Washington WTB Turbo Snails and Hermit Crabs

    Looking to buy 30qty Turbo Snails and 20 Hermit Crabs if there is anyone in the Seattle area please contact me.
  16. R

    CUC Help

    So question! After tank cycling. I’m looking to get 1 Emerald Crab 1 Cleaner Shirmp 1 turbo snail tank size 24 gallon No corals just Rock Sand substrate will do 10% weekly water changes. Would this be adequate for my tank?
  17. M

    Do turbo snails eat vermetid snails?

    Hi, So I had a severe vermetid snail outbreak. The vermetid snails where everywhere, so I removed them by taking out every single rock and crushing the vermetids. I probably crushed more than 100 of them (the outbreak was bad). Fast forward a couple of weeks and I notice them appearing again...
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Burying turbo snail?

    So I have this snail I purchased from the LFS. It looks for all purposes like a tropical turbo snail. Thing is, it’s only active at night and buries itself in the sand during the day like my nassarius snails. When he comes out tonight I’ll get a picture. As far as I know turbo snails don’t dig...
  19. nanonøkk

    refugium gha

    ok so my cheato has been introduced to green hair algae and now it’s growing with my cheato in the back second chamber of my tank my question is besides cleaning off the cheato and loosing pods that and doing harvesting one the gha as well as the cheato is there a way that i can introduce a...
  20. catalystNfacade

    Bumblebee Shrimp and Turbo Snail best buds. Normal?

    The bumblebee shrimp is below the turbo snail I finally picked up 3 bumblebee shrimps and two of them (not sure what happened to the third) seem obsessed with the snails in my tank. Is this normal. I know there's a symbiotic relationship with Emperor Shrimps and nudibranches and various other...
  21. Ghrommi

    My Turbo Snail is hosting feather dusters

    Just thought I would share one of my turbo snail hosting a pair of feather dusters. I'm also worried they might hurt the snail somehow in the long run, what do you guys think? They appear to be on the outside of the shell, at least for now.
  22. dtruitt

    How many astrea snails equal one turbo?

    We recently added 5 astrea snails and 3 emerald crabs to pick up some of the slack left by our CUC workhorses. The turbo snails eat a huge volume of algae, but they arent very thorough. When the glass is dirty (thankfully it's not these days) the turbos leave squiggly lines of clean glass...
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