
  1. Cole_Voeller

    Quarantine Questions

    Hey all! If anyone has seen my last post, the Melanurus is completely fine! I was worried over nothing. Anyway, I have some questions regarding quarantining my fish. So I have a 39 set up with 5 fish currently in it; tribal blenny, royal gramma, firefish, bluestreak cleaner wrasse, and a striped...
  2. BurtMacklin

    Why observe after TTM?

    I am doing the TTM for preventing Ich and Velvet and dosing Prazi at day 2 and 8. I have personalized this protocol from information gather from Humble Fish and several R2R threads. I have read a lot of people advising to keep the fish in observation for 14 days after QT, but I am wondering if...
  3. Diveks

    Torn on hippo tang treatment

    ive been quarantining this hippo tang for 2.5 months now and everything else ive quarantined (in different tanks) that i bought at the same time as the hippo had been fully cured and are now in the DT. sadly i cant say the same thing for the hippo. the hippo has been a pig, eating alot, since...
  4. F


    I have unfortunately ran into a problem (you can probably guess what). And I have found the TTM to be my chosen method of getting rid of ICH. I am wondering how big of a temporary tank/tub I'd need for about 16 fish? I have 5 chromis, 3 clowns, 4 Cardinals, 1 dotty back, 1 long nose butterfly...
  5. NeverlosT

    New tank, did some TTM, doing some copper QT, but might just GIVE UP.

    Ok, Poll question here. I am starting a new tank, and transferring livestock from my old tank. My old tank has some big fat healthy tangs, and guess what, it also has ich. Rarely, and I mean like 1/year, I see some spots on the tangs, usually if if a new addition arrives or something big...
  6. G

    Ode to Humblefish

    Once upon a time There was a lad Gil, Who- to his chagrin- Nearly got his friends killed. After a long shift at work On a hot September day, Gil saw his fish had a spot: Ich had joined the fray. For a moment he panicked- Woe was he! He knew it was his fault, Now the whole world can see It...
  7. T

    Overlapping TTM treatments

    I want to introduce more fish more quickly into my display tank. Fish #1 starts its 12 day TTM treatment program on day 1. On day 4, that fish moves into the second tank and newly purchased fish #2 joins fish #1 on the second tank. On day 12, the first fish is finished and moves out of the...
  8. HomeSlizzice

    QT and TTM plan while renting/limited space.

    Hi Everyone, I need some help planning my new QT and/or TTM method for fish in my tank. First off let me give you the bad new, heart breaking news.... I recently lost almost all of my fish to Velvet as of yesterday (PBT, Regal Angel, Potters Angel, Isosceles Wrasse, 2x Yellow Wrasse, and Royal...
  9. J

    What is "TTM" ??? Can someone explain how it works ?

    I see a lot of people referring to "TTM" when talking in relation to quarentine tanks. But what is TTM ? And how do you do it ? (Sorry if this is a dumb question)
  10. revhtree

    Here we go TTM!

    Well I'm set up for my first go at TTM or the Tank Transfer Method! See anything I might be missing? 20g tank
  11. seastar

    Anthias Breathing rapidly - hiding - TTM

    I am in the middle of day 6 of 3 Dispar Anthias doing TTM QT. I had a sunburst but he didn't make it past day 5. All were eating well (frozen fish eggs) until today. They will pop out a bit but mostly hangout under this foam sponge I have in a 10gal. I did prazi for about half a day before the...
Ecotech Marine