trumpet coral dying

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Lower candy cane heads dying

    So I have this monster candy cane colony. They started as 2 heads 2 ish years ago. I’ve found that the smaller heads beneath the large mass of the colony are losing tissue and receding. It’s really only like 2-3 heads. And they don’t get any light because of the sheer mass of the colony. Is this...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy cane coral stupid question

    This is going to be a really stupid question but as my candy canes split should they tissue cover the entire skeleton or just about an inch below each head? They’re around 50 heads now and the tissue doesn’t cover anything but between heads that are close together and about an inch below each...
  3. A

    Candy cane coral dying skeleton exposed

    Hello, I have 3 candy cane corals in my tank. The flesh on one of them has steadily been receding over the past few weeks. Now most of the skeleton is exposed with very little flesh left, I realize that this one might be beyond saving. The other 2 candy cane corals have been doing fine until...