trumpet coral (caulastraea)

  1. Caulastraea.png


  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy cane coral stupid question

    This is going to be a really stupid question but as my candy canes split should they tissue cover the entire skeleton or just about an inch below each head? They’re around 50 heads now and the tissue doesn’t cover anything but between heads that are close together and about an inch below each...
  3. A

    Candy cane coral dying skeleton exposed

    Hello, I have 3 candy cane corals in my tank. The flesh on one of them has steadily been receding over the past few weeks. Now most of the skeleton is exposed with very little flesh left, I realize that this one might be beyond saving. The other 2 candy cane corals have been doing fine until...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    How long for candy canes to recover?

    I have some candy canes that have recently become super super mad for some reason. They deflated one day when I raised the pH of the water by 0.2 over about three days and now have slowly been reinflating during the day but looking like crap at night. Before and after pics attached. Any idea...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy Cane Corals not inflating

    I've had these guys 8 months. They've gone from 2 heads to 20ish. The last 2 or 3 days they haven't wanted to inflate at all with the tissue held close to the skeleton. Tank is nearly 7 years old. Parameters are: Nitrate - 5ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Ammonia- 0 ppm Calcium - 520 ppm pH - 8.2...
  6. 1Matthew

    Trumpet Coral, need help!

    My trumpet has been acting strange for the past year or so. It had a big spike of growth last year with 6 heads growing and very fleshy. Now it is very shriveled and not getting any growth, but not receding or showing any signs of sickness. Could anyone explain this? Parameters: alk: 7 Calcium...
  7. OdetteDelacroix

    California Mix of Coral for sale Huge Lobo open brain, Kenya Trees, Scoly, Torches etc...

    Hey Everyone, As my tank and collection has gotten larger and the pandemic has still left me unemployed, I'm happy to present some of my little slice of the ocean for sale. These coral have brought me a great deal of enjoyment while in my care and I hope they are able to do the same for whoever...
  8. BTimms

    Caulastraea Protrusion spikes

    Today I noticed slime oozing from these spiked protrusions on my Caulastraea. They seem to extend and retract. I can’t seem to find them on anatomy diagrams and such. What are these protrusions?
  9. Unnatural

    Nano Build First Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5

    I live in an apartment in a city and manager lady told me I could only have a small fish tank... I think she meant something more like a 2 gal betta tank... *awkward laugh* Anyways, after a lot of research online I decided to go with a Fluval Evo 13.5 tank. There was a lot of debate in my head...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy cane splitting but not growing any new skeleton.

    My candy canes are splitting like crazy. They’ve gone from nearly dead to two heads to like 10 heads now. But they just keep splitting. At what point do they start growing new stony skeleton and branching out? My hammer coral recently split and immediately it grew a new skeleton for the new...
  11. Colecolecole

    Something happened overnight

    I wake up this morning to part of one of my trumpet corals darkened and my watchmen goby pinned against the overflow filter grate. Watchmen is still alive surprisingly but wouldn’t stop swimming at the top of the tank. I pulled him out so he could relax and eat with being bugged by my Dottie...
  12. SC1000

    Is this normal ?

    Just wondering if my trumpet is doing very well or about to dye as I never see it so inflated! I’ll include a photo. Your comment is much appreciated thanks
  13. trumpetcoralsmall.jpg


    Trumpet/Candycane Coral
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Safe LPS to keep with candy canes

    Are there any LPS that won’t sting my candy canes to death? I like acans a lot and favia but I hear they sting. I also have a small zoa colony that I can’t ID yet so idk how hardy they are. Photos of my colonies attached. Parameters are: -Ammonia 0 ppm -Nitrate 15 ppm -Nitrite 0 ppm -pH 8.0-8.2
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Coralline algea and candy canes

    Hey reefers. I have a small candy cane frag with two heads. It has coralline algea growing on the plug it’s on. I am just now noticing on the places where the coralline is growing up the stalk the coral tissue is receding. The frag is doing fine and is open otherwise. Is the coralline algea...
  16. Zoa_Fanatic

    Coral help. Candy canes not opening

    Hey guys. I’ve been feeding these kryptonite canes pellets. I think I’ve been feeding them too much. I was feeding them daily. A few days ago they stopped accepting pellets and since yesterday they aren’t opening as wide as usual. Is this normal? Nothing else in the tank is acting strange. Even...
  17. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy canes expelling food

    Hey guys I’ve been feeding my kryptonute candy canes daily. It’s a smal frag with two heads. Today they expelled the pellets I gave them. Am I just feeding them too much? They’re doing great, even healing from a small wound they suffered.
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    New candy canes help

    I just got these kryptonite candy canes a few days ago. They split between the pollops after bringing them home and now the tissue is receding. I’ve moved them higher in the tank where the flow is less and they’re about 8” directly below my light to get some good light. What can I do to help...
  19. Zoa_Fanatic

    Need help with candy cane coral

    I Fw dipped a rock containing my two week old candy canes to get rid of a bobbit worm. It was a 3 minute dip. They look like crap 24 hours after. Please take a look at these and let me know if you think they can Regen. It’s a very small head that only cost me 20$ and is easily replaceable but...
  20. TrumpetCoral-Megability.jpeg


    Happy Toxic Waste Trumpet Coral at feeding time ;)
  21. Evan28395950

    Trumpet Coral

    Hey all, I got a trumpet about 3 weeks ago. I didn’t really light acclimate it, I place it in the center of the sandbed, and it got a decent amount of flow. At first it extended its feeders, but it doesn’t now. I moved it to a corner of sandbed where’s less light and less flow. I spot feed 2-3...
  22. Evan28395950

    Let’s see your LPS Corals!

    Bored at the moment, so let’s see your LPS Corals! :)
  23. Evan28395950

    Trumpet Coral Dead?

    Hello all, parameters are all in check. Salinity is alittle high at .27 (trying to get it down atm, no other corals are affected). My trumpet coral has looked like this for a week now, haven’t see any tentacle extension for food. And it seems to look like it’s melting. Not sure if it’s dead.
  24. DSmithZ28

    Trumpet Coral Brown Spots

    Having some issues with my Trumpet coral. Lost two heads on it and noticed that there is some brown spots left on the skeleton. Nothing else has died and the rest of the coral looks great. I’ve had it about a year and it has split several times. These were actually the original heads. Should I...
  25. Evan28395950

    Trumpet Coral okay?

    Just wondering if my trumpet looks ok, we moved around a lot of corals and it did happen to fall off the rock.