
  1. polyppal

    Tropic Eden Morroca Rock Review

    I purchased 18lbs of the new Tropic Eden Morroca Rock (Pukani Clone) from Premium Aquatics - and in a few short words, it is easily the best dry rock available in the industry right now! The pieces I got are HUGE - considered 'small' on the Premium Aquatics website! The detail and structure is...
  2. Iant419

    Refugium/algae scrubber VS Elimi-NP/ NP-Bacto etc..

    I've had .3 phosphates for a while now and have been using a GFO reactor in a half stocked 7 year old crashed tank I inherited 4 months ago. I'm looking for other less harsh methods of nutrient export other than GFO. I've heard about refugiums and algae scrubbers and their mixed reviews. But...
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