total idiot

  1. Cunning_plan

    At what rate can I safely lower salinity.

    In Short: I have salinity at 45+ ppt. How can quickly can I take it down to 35? Should I be water changing with RODI water or low salinity water. In Long: I have been running a reef tank for around 5 months now. It's a reefer 250 (55g). Over time I have gradually tried to add corals. With a few...
  2. Globalbutterfly

    Ok, Just Tell Me Where to Put my Powerheads

    I give in. I keep searching and searching, reading through threads, watching videos, trying to figure it ALL out on my own. But now it is time to just let go and give it up to a “higher power” - the R2R Forum. Trying to find the magic, elusive flow in the tank - enough, but not too much...
Reef Diaper