Hello all.
So I got this Tomini roughly two weeks ago. Been doing great, but today I noticed he looked a bit rough. He has a vertical mark on his body that looks like a burn, though I have no idea. I do also see that he has a rip on his fin, though I have no idea what this could be from. Any...
Hello all,
Hoping to get some advice. Just received an order of fish that included an
Algae blenny, Tomini tang and a few other smaller fish
Everyone has been in a quarantine tank for 3 days so far. Just noticed a wound on the tomini tang and not sure if this could be uronima or a bite from...
I just got a notice that my my Tomini tang and a Yellow watchman goby from Dr. Reef's are preparing for shipment. I believe they should be arriving next week. I've never had a tang before or any fish that eats nori sheets like this so I'm just curious how often/much you feed them. I ordered this...
I have a baby blue tang 2” and a tomini tang 3” that’s currently being treated with prazi in my QT. They have no signs of ich and it’s been 2 weeks. Should I dose copper to be safe ? Or should I just observe for the next 2 weeks?
Today I saw my Tomini Tang struggling to swim and he looks to be in pretty bad shape.
I have 2 clownfish, a blue Tang and a couple smaller schooling fish, none of the other fish show any symptoms.
This doesn't look like ick to me, but I'm not sure what it is. It seems to appear rather...
Curiosity question here. Do the tomini and kole tangs darken in color with age or is it just random special variation? I’ve seen tominis with a pale grayish colored body and then ones almost black. A similar thing seems happens with the koles with that light orange color in the body to a deep...
Hi all,
I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
I've recently gotten a shy new tomini tang from diver's den. I have a 29 gallon quarantine tank but there had been an incident with my pair of captive bred mandarins. I had gotten a pair about a week or so before but my male was missing his right pectoral fin and was very small and thin ( I...