tomatoe clown

  1. S

    Tomato clownfish

    Does anyone know a good website to order a large mature female Tomato Clownfish? I can’t find them anywhere.
  2. drowningindichotomy

    Condy and Tomato Clown

    Hi, I'm new here so please go easy on my forum etiquette :) I _acquired_ a Condy anemone last week and it's now been in my ~2 year old 155 gal reef setup (pH: 8.2; Ca: 410ppm; Sal.: 1.025sg; Mg: ~1320ppm; AlK: ~10; NO(3)/NO(4)/NH(3): ~0) for about 24 hours. The tank's pretty low-stocked in...
  3. S

    Tomato clownfish hosting in two different anemone?

    I thought it was interesting to see after putting some btas in my tank that my tomato clownfish is being hosted not only by the condy it’s seemingly forced into the arrangement but also the bta that’s near by as well, does anyone else’s clownfish go to multiple anemone? My other two cinnamon...
  4. 2manyideas

    Are my new Tomato clowns fighting or establishing dominance?

    I just bought two tomato clowns and a gorgeous bta for them to host/be hosted by. Both clowns came from the same tank at the LFS. My issue is that now that there is a bta in the mix the older tomato doesn’t let the younger one inside the bta. It’s allowed to be close but more often than not the...
  5. R

    Is there something wrong with my tomatoe clown fish?

    Hello all, My tank has been running for about 4 months now. Everything is fine I have done multiple tests. When I did my first water change I took to much but quickly balanced everything back out. After that happened though my tomatoe clown has done a complete 180. She was the dominant one in...
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