
  1. OfficeReefer

    Numbered Tips for Newbies - What is the worst mistake you have made when starting a reef tank?

    Happy February R2R! While reading a post from someone who meant well, I realized it might be good time this year with those getting tax refunds to remind people of the lessons learned in starting a successful reef tank. Too many times on this forum, I read those that get started in nano tanks...
  2. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Laid Eggs

    Hi all, It’s now Day 3 since my clownfish laid eggs and I was wondering if anyone here can give me a load of useful information/tips that will aid me in raising the fry. I have wanted to breed clownfish for a while and I have done my research so I know the basics but I’m after more searching...
  3. W

    How to make a puffer less likely to eat coral?

    Hello all today I bought baby Valentini puffer it would be an understatement to say I’ve fallen in love as he is already so interesting but I must now ask, Ive learned they can indeed be coral eaters and while I may not be able to stop it is there any little things people have learned to do to...
  4. G

    Tips on reviving a neglected 5g pico

    Hey R2R, I've lurked for a while but I'm finally getting on the horse and reviving a 5 gallon pico I just moved home with. I will attach pictures as I learn how, but I'm currently dealing with a cyano-fiasco and extremely destabilized water params (uneven filling with distilled water, low water...
  5. J

    Brunneus wrasse care tips

    Hello I recently bought a brunneus wrasse and was wondering if I could get some insight on the behavior and diet of these fish as I can’t find any care guides for this type of wrasse. Thanks!
  6. P

    Tips on a starting and maintaining 200gallon reef

    Im thinking of starting a new reef. This time i plan on going with a 209gallon from Aqua Forest. Currently i have a Red sea 250(65gallon) mixed reef and few other freshwater tanks (80gallons). My plan is to get rid of everything and just keep the 2 reefs and run them off my current apex I...
  7. Richlard

    Is my g.viridis Behaviour normal?

    Hey all first time using this I recently got a g.viridis and he was eating well (I feed him snails) but now he has stopped eating all together, he will punch the snails if I put them in front of him but will not eat them is this a bad sign or is he just preparing to molt. Also he is quite shy...
  8. Uzair Aiman

    Build Thread My DIY AIO tank

    Hello reefers! Im new to this hobby and Im thinking up of making a DIY AIO tank! Ill be attaching the design below and Id ask for your suggestions and comments. All dimensions and equipment I want to use will be listed also. Please give me comments and recommendations/tips in building this and...
  9. MarineDepot

    TOP 6 TIPS For Aggressive FISH In Your Reef Tank | How to Assemble a Tranquil Saltwater Aquarium

    Are you looking for the best way to curb aggression in your Reef Tank? Marine Depot's very own Manny is here to share some tips! Check out this video and the rest of our YouTube Channel to stay up to date on the newest tips, tricks, and trends in the aquarium keeping hobby. Be sure to subscribe...
  10. M

    EMERGENCY Red flame mushroom

    Hey guys. I can’t get my red flame mushroom to open up all the way. At first it was doing really great but the past week or so it hasn’t really expanded at all. Any tips?
  11. wolt

    First saltwater reef tank

    This is my first saltwater reef tank that I’ve ever done I would like some opinions on it or some suggestions and tips
  12. lazycouch

    fish suggestions??

    hello! i own a 30 gallon tank (about 1 month in after cycle) and currently have an oscellaris clown + banggai cardinal , 2 small hermits, and one cleaner shrimp as well as some leathers and zoas. i’m ready to start researching another fish and thought it might be cool to get inspiration from...
  13. palbert_95

    First reef tank tips

    Hello, I just got my first reef tank all set up a month and a half ago, yesterday I added my first load of lifestock Hubert-Royal Gramma Julio Seizure chavez- firefish goby Mr. Whisker - banded coral shrimp And am waiting for a snowflake ocellaris that I had to special order from my local fish...
  14. N

    Anemone advice

    so I bought a green bubble tip anemone for my tank. I’ve never had an anemone before and I just wanted to know if people have any tips for keeping a healthy anemone. At the moment it is currently in a good spot , it hasn’t been moving around . I keep the flow low just enough for the corals I...
  15. MontanaReefer406

    Tell me about your tank...

    Yesterday my first reef tank turned a year old. It's a 20 gal hex, low tech tank. Had some road bumps but I figured a huge success for a newbie. Over the year, I learned when to intervene and when to leave the tank alone. How old are your tanks? And what valuable lessons have you learned over...
  16. MontanaReefer406

    Hello New to R2R. Asking for tips?

    Hi! My name is Sam and I have been in the hobby for a year now. I have a low tech nano tank, that started out a little rough but now i would say has been a success. Its a 20 gal hex and custom stand and light mount done myself. Ive successfully kept some easy SPS and am trying out montipora now...
  17. Jerry Ebner

    Working on new build

    Hello, I am working on a new build my system is similar to what BRS is doing for the Low maintenance tanks. The tank is a 60 gallon Marineland cube with the Marineland stand( DIY isnt my thing so I will live with the stand. It has one drain and one return line drilled in to the bottom of the...
  18. Nico Ellis

    Overcrowded my 20 gallon long? (Don't judge me to hard.)

    *For starters i would like to say that there is no fighting in my tank, they all actually have a good amount of space im more concerned about the bioload in the 20 gallon, so give me tips, please. So, Basically to put it simply i fear that i have over populated my 20 gallon long tank. These are...
  19. Aaron Davis

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel Quarantine

    Hey all, I got super lucky and will be purchasing a Golden Dwarf Moray Eel from a LFS here and was wondering about quarantine methods. I reviewed some quarantine threads and have done so before for fish, but never for eels. I want to make sure that I do this right the first time around...
  20. kyleflahardy

    Mandarin Goby fish diet

    I ordered a mandarin goby fish that will be in this Friday. I was doing some reading and I have discovered that they have a quite complicated diet. Apparently they're very pickey fish and will only eat certain things on certain diets. Please let me know what and how you feed your mandarin gobys...
NicerReefs. Your Reef. But Nicer.