
  1. Trahs

    Hello Finally making an account after lurking for years.

    Hello all, TL : DR, I've had a lot of different tanks, always end up coming back to to the hobby seemingly more intensely each time. My name is Griffin, been in the hobby off and on since 2010. Started with freshwater tanks as most do. For a birthday present got an Aqueon 29 gallon with hang...
  2. B

    When you need to shake "gentley" for two mintues

    Don't waste time, be efficient! And incase the embedded video doesn't work:
  3. D

    Fragging Devil Hand Leather

    Hi, I’ve been wondering if I try to frag my first Coral and not sure how to. I have a devil hand leather which I hear is supposed to be very easy to frag but I’m not sure how to frag I’ve been trying to find videos but can’t. I also want to frag zoanthids but my zoanthids I’ve had for the...
  4. psumms

    Apex Multiple DOW + Time statements on same outlet

    Is it possible to have multiple time + day statements on an outlet, e.g. as below, testing this seems to suggest not. Is there a workaround? If Time 00:00 to 08:50 Then OFF If DOW ----TFS Then OFF If Time 08:53 to 14:50 Then OFF If DOW SMT---- Then OFF
  5. psumms

    Apex Time spanning midnight

    Am i correct in thinking that the Apex time command cannot span midnight, so the following would not be valid: If Time 22:00 to 07:00 Then OFF and instead you would need to use two separate lines, e.g. If Time 22:00 to 23:59 Then OFF If Time 00:00 to 07:00 Then OFF Also, bonus question, does...