tidal 35

  1. Koleswrath

    16 Gallon Alberta coat closet DIY special! New FTS

    I decided to post the history of my nano since I've been active on R2R more often lately. Here's the timeline with notable events, good or bad: Dec 15, 2022 Decided to jump back in to reefing after 6 or 7 years and a house move. I gotta admit my main motivation was the popularity of the...
  2. P

    Nano Build Possible Nano Nem / QT Build?

    I may or may not have been bit by the saltwater bug... Thinking about setting up a Nano (10-15 Gal) tank of BTA and some clowns. Would be using this as a QT tank for new frags (on a small rack) and keeping and propagating Nems. In the long term is this possible? I would be able to set up the...
  3. AquaNerd

    Seachem introduces Tidal 35 for Small Tank Filtration
