
  1. Smallslandreefer

    Activated carbon with corals with low to moderate par demand

    So what i have noticed whenever i place a small bag of activated carbon in my 100 gallon some zoas ( not all) and some other corals seem to close up a bit. The reason i place the carbon in the first place is to clear up the yellow pinkments in the water. I have read that activated carbon removes...
  2. Perpetual Novice

    Does Xenia release Iodine when it dies? Inverts beware?

    I've heard that some people go as far as to supplement iodine in their tanks to help their xenia flourish. I haven't been able to verify this theory (and believe me I've tried), but that seems to imply that xenia is a bio-accumulator of iodine. And if thats true then... Well, it probably...
  3. Perpetual Novice

    Using ich to treat ich

    I know the ich life cycle. I know what will kill it and what won’t. I know how to treat a tank that has ich in it. But I don’t treat the ich in my 30 gallon biocube. I’ve seen ich at its worst. Infecting almost every fish and multiplying rapidly. But the ich in my tank has never been very...