
  1. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cycle stopped during fallow?

    Here are my Parameters...I've had an ammonia reading for about a month or so now... How can I fix this? I have snails and a shrimp in my tank. Day 46 of fallow. Ammonia (API) 0.5 - 1ppm Ammonia (Salifert) 0.5ppm Nitrite (Salifert) 0.05ppm Nitrate (Salifert) 2.5ppm Phosphate (Salifert) 0-0.03ppm...
  2. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Diatom? Algae? Harmful?

    I believe this to be Amphiprora alata. I can't seem to find if this is harmful to my fish or not but I've found them on my fish and I'm having trouble identifying a disease on my fish. I have alot of these. Could anyone please educate me on this, if it's harmful and such? Is it a diatom...
  3. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    UV Sterilizer Broke. Do I need it?

    So I have a 125g tank and was wondering if I should have a uv sterilizer if I quarantine my fish and fallow my tank. And if so, what wattage would be ideal as well as flow rate for parasites and flukes for my tank. I would assume 20 watts with a flow rate of around 125 gph? Also what are some...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Algae's I.D.'s please!

    I know what this one is... Small cell amphidinium Dinoflagellates. 1. This is some weird brown algae almost has a Coralline brown dot attached to the rock with a string piece coming off I think. 2. 200x 800x Some green stuff... 3. 80x 200x 800x Random microscope pics that...
  5. R

    I'm quitting keeping salt water fish

    This is pretty much a venting post, sorry. A little history, I've been keeping salt water fish for 1 year and I feel the stress of it is way more then the fun of keeping salt water. My water params have always been completely stable and normal. Even down to the phosphates my water was almost...
  6. Sleeping Giant

    Just thought I'd say Thanks

    Just thought I'd say Thank you to everyone, for the support to get back into reefing My wife and kids are #1...put up with a lot of aquarium husbandry, thank god I have a loving wife. And I thought I'd post some youtube pages that have also helped me out tremendously, lots of knowledge and...
  7. WhiteOwlPowell

    Brown Diatom after finished cycling

    Hello, My tank has just finished its cycling period and has perfect parameters to start putting fish in but I just noticed this brown diatom forming. What do I do now? New to this hobby and am posting this so I can learn from you guys! Thanks in advance.
  8. culvern22

    Rimless Tank Build

    Good Day, Everyone! New here to R2R but certainly been utilizing the forums for a few years now. I’ve thrown together some plans for a 48wx12dx14h rimless tank and I’d like to know if anyone experienced with DIY rimless builds would check the dimensions for me before I get the panels cut...
  9. Billldg

    Thanking the AWESOME reef squad!!!

    I noticed that I recently have been trying to help fellow reefers and being new to reefing myself my knowledge is limited, so after I recommend everything I have learned I often refer it to the reefsquad. Lets face it, without the reefsquad a lot of us would be lost. The years of knowledge they...
  10. DeepBlueSomething

    ID Help - want to ensure placement

    Picked this encrusting & branching piece - salesperson unsure of what it was. Not sure where might be best for flow / lighting! Sorry for potato quality image. Thanks in advance R2R!
  11. Techie_

    Algae help

    So recently I've been having various issues... including many types of algae The pictures here should help: All of my parameters are in check, except phosphates, which have been at .5 for over 2 years. I do weekly 25% water changes and I don't quite understand why I...
Ultimate Corals