Our Free shipping minimum amount will be going from $40 to $50 on April 1st. Orders containing Live Phyto, Rotifers, Copepods and Combo packages will need to be higher than $49.99 to ship for free. Orders under $49.99 will have a flat $20.00 shipping fee added to cover the cost of our insulated...
I wanted to introduce Reef Legends to Reef2Reef. Let me show off a little of our collection, usually each week when I bottle I take a video of the bottles so I can compare bottle densities. You can find our videos on our Instagram page, Facebook page and TikTok. Our live Phytoplankton isn't the...
I know this diatom is quite common in aquaculture, mainly for shrimps, but I can't seem to find any decent source for a culture for me to start from. In addition, places like AlgaeBarn blend them in with their phyto feeds they sell.... but thats clearly not pure.The most promising seems to be...