
  1. B

    Benggai cardinals fight! Now what?

    My benggai are probably both males and fighting each other (fluval 13.5). I moved one into a quarantine 5 gal (not ideal) and need advice. Do I add a female, then reintroduce the third? Or add a female to each tank? Thanks coral friends!
  2. 1epauletteshark

    What are my bumble bee shrimp doing?

    https://youtube.com/shorts/nv32GWivRPU?feature=share What are these guys doing? I thought I had ID'd them as a male and a female so I am wondering if they are fighting, establishing territory, mating? I am really not sure but it is very interesting.
  3. Wuffletoast

    Clown creating craters in sand

    I have a 30 gal tank with somewhat new rock and no coral (waiting for water to stay stable) the tank is about seven months old. I've noticed one of my clowns making a crater by two of the three tunnel entrances I created with a Y shaped PVC pipe. She has already paired with another clown that...
  4. puffer_reef

    Territorial clownfish

    So I’ve had 2 clownfish in my tank and every fish I’ve tried to put in there they have died and I’m pretty sure they killed them maybe just the black one she’s kinda aggressive. I know they can be territorial if I put them in a breeder net for a bit and add another fish to the tank would that...
  5. Injoynit

    Do some fish scratch but not have ick?

    I have noticed that some fish seem to scratch themselves against the sand bed every once in a while and it seems territorial to me but was not sure if that was a "thing" so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew.
  6. TCReef84

    Major Aggression After Last Addition

    Hello, I am running a 75 gallon reef tank and have recently added a juvenile Kole Tang to my current stock list which includes two ocellaris clownfish, one banggai cardinal, one fairy wrasse, and a sand hopper blenny. After acclimating the Kole it took quite well to it’s new environment. The...
  7. Reckotch

    Outsmarting bullies in order to introduce new fish

    Small backstory and description of inhabitants: I have a ~50 gallon reef, no sump, that has been running for about 4 years. I started up with 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 ecsenius bicolor and 1 stenopus hispidus shrimp. All of these 4 learned to live together and were the only ones lasting; the...
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