
  1. hds4216

    New research shows Hammers and Frogspawn aren't Euphyllia after all

    New research has shown that Hammers and Frogspawn, alongside some of their variants, aren't actually Euphyllia. The Euphyllia genus is set to shrink dramatically to reflect the fact that these species are being reclassified to a new genus - Fimbriaphyllia. The old Euphyllia genus will be left...
  2. RockyMountainReef

    Taxonomy Book?

    Hey everyone, As you can guess, I am pretty bored at home. I've been thinking about doing this for quite some time, but wondered if any of you have gone about doing it and could possibly give me some pointers. I want to create a Taxonomy Book/PDFs that I can either print and store in a binder...
Biota Marine Life