
  1. chemicals

    4ft or 5ft reef tank

    Hi, in the coming month I’m going to order my first reef tank. However, I’m having a hard time deciding between the WB reef 130.4 or 180.5. They both fit my budget, although, I have a little more extra to spend on the 4ft one if I decide to go with that one. My question is, will I regret if i’m...
  2. L

    Water Box 105.04 Stocking Ideas

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had stocking ideas for the Waterbox FRAG 105.04? The tank is 47.2"×23.6"×16.1". As of right now all that I am certain on is the basic pair of Ocellaris Clowns. I'm quite interested in the idea of getting a tang as well -- obviously w/ a 4ft tank my options are...
  3. yanni

    Tank for two clowns and a nem

    Hey all, this is once again a thread of me asking for advice hahaha. A friend has just dismantled his AIO tank, here’s the link https://www.redseafish.com/aquarium-systems/max-aquarium-systems/max-nano/ For Those who don’t click it, it’s 20 gallons, roughly 75Litres. He’s selling it now, with...
  4. If_Only

    Onespot Foxface

    Since I started reading about reef tanks Ive marveled at onespot Foxfaces, and When I saw they get 7-8" I said yeah thats never gonna happen in my 2' cube. But I might be able to get me a 120-150 gallon! I just want to make sure the tank size I get can support a Onespot. I would much prefer a...
Reef Kinetics