
  1. J

    What other fish can I add to my 36g bowfront?

    Wondering what other fish i can add to my 36g bowfront. my current stock is Fish: 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 christmas wrasse, 1 tailspot blenny Inverts: 4 blue leg hermits, 2 nassarius, 1 trochus, 4 ninja star, 1 tiger conch, 1 zebra turbo Coral: Pink torch, Green torch, duncan, kenya tree, sunburst...
  2. G

    N. Wennerae Tankmates?

    I'm soon getting a N. Wennerae Mantis shrimp and was thinking about possible tankmates/food for it. I was thinking maybe a few Cerith snails and 1 or 2 Camel shrimp. I don't know if this is too much for a 10gal, and I assume that my mantis shrimp will go to work on them once he arrives.
  3. Willis_S

    Sally lightfoot crab Guide

    I just got a new Sally Lightfoot crab in my new aquarium. I just realized that it could be pretty aggressive, so I am wondering if there is any suggestion of additional crab food I can get to keep it nice and full so it won't eat my clownfish. Also, I am looking for suggestions on what other...
  4. mdavi

    Suggestion on stock

    I am currently looking for ideas and suggestions for my 150g aggressive tank. I so far have: Clown tang Hybrid PB + GR tang Sailfin Dwarf Lion Leaf Scorpion Humu humu Snowflake eel Ghost eel
  5. C

    Opinions Needed! Lightening Maroon Clownfish Tankmates

    Hey Reefers! Over the weekend my LFS had a customer appreciation event where a few different pairs of fish, assorted gear and in-store credit were given away. I happened to win a set of Lightening Maroon Clownfish. I have an empty but cycling 65 gallon tank that they will be going in. They are...
  6. heathsharky

    Round Stingray Tankmates

    I have 2 round stingrays (Urobatis halleri) both a male and female which are around 10 - 12 inches long, and I wonder what tank mates would be good with them. They also do live with other fish which I will list below: Double Barrel Rabbitfish Lo Foxface Bird Wrasse (Female) Lawnmower Blenny...
  7. C

    120g predator reef tank stocking suggestions

    Hey there, I am currently looking for some more fish for my 120g predator reef. Currently there's only one dwarf zebra lion in there (around 7inches long with fins). I'd like to keep it a reef tank and also I am not sure about actually getting more predators especially those that would need a...
  8. S

    Valentini puffer

    Hi everyone, I’ve had my Valentini puffer for about 4 months and have always fed mysis shrimp and half shell clams, but I got a wyoming white clownfish yesterday and realized while feeding that the puffer also enjoys pellets, would it be okay to feed pellets most of the time and feed half shell...
  9. H

    Questioning if I can add new tank mates with my bonded pair of clowns-13.5 evo

    I bought a 13.5 evo tank with a full set up from a seller than was over the hobby. I made a bunch of upgrades as well and had to handle a crazy outbreak of algae from him. However, this tank came with a pair of 2.5 year old clownfish. I was wondering if I could add another small fish like a...
  10. CaseyNYC

    Guidance Please! Snowflake Eel & BT Anemone Netflix and Chill Together??

    Hi guys!! We are in our first year of building a reef / marine Tank. We currently have a 95 gallon corner tank with about 120 lbs of live rock, a tomato clown fish living in her medium bubble tip anemone, a maroon clownfish, a 3 striped damselfish, (2) domino damselfish, a coral beauty, a yellow...
  11. duesmortem

    Potential Tankmate for Purple Firefish in 10 Gallon reef tank

    Hello there my fellow aquarists. I am new to the saltwater hobby, but I have been keeping freshwater tanks for almost 10 years now. I have a 10 gallon tank and here is a list of my current inhabitants: 1 Purple Firefish 1 Lettuce Nudibranch 1 Nassarius Snail 1 Anemone Shrimp 2 Blue Legged Hermit...
  12. K

    Looking for movement in a seahorse tank

    Hi, im looking for a few options on what to do with my soon to be seahorse tank, i currently have a cycled 70cm cube. Im taking things really slow ensuring water is perfectly stable for the ponies when they arrive in the near future. Having such a tall tank has made me wonder that there wont be...
  13. BighohoReef

    Advice needed: What fish should I add next?

    Thinking of adding one more fish to the 100g tank: Current stock: Kole Tang Valentini Puffer 5 Lighting chromis Hawkfish Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse Leopard Wrasse Lawnmower Blenny Ocilarious Clown Watchmen Goby Should I add another fish? Writing it out now seems like a lot of fish...
  14. vgliha

    I Think My Coral Shrimp is Broken

    I have a Banded Coral Shrimp that I inherited with a tank I purchased. It also came with a Yellow Tang. The Tang swims up to the Shrimp all the time BEGGING for a cleaning. The Tag turns sideways and tries to get close. The shrimp wants absolutely nothing to do with the Tang and will respond...
  15. Schwab94

    New reefer starting with 28g jbj nano cube need help understanding the scourge of reefing. Mantis Shrimp

    I need whatever tips tricks and knowledge people can give me. This is my 2nd try the first time ended miserably all my fault with many mistakes. Now im starting fresh in a new house trying to get a tank set up for a Mantis shrimp and maaaaaybe two clowns. If all goes well in this tanks first...
  16. Patrick Fulton

    Fimbriated Eel Tankmates?

    Hey, this is my first post, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong....BUT I have a 90 gallon tank with a Fimbriated AKA Yellow-headed moray eel. He's about 16 inches or so and I'm looking to add some fish to the tank. I'd prefer them to be reef safe because I have a bunch of mushrooms and a few...
  17. John Kastanos

    40 Breeder Snowflake Eel Tankmates

    I am planning to convert my 40 Breeder from freshwater to saltwater, and I'm starting to plan on what kind of fish I will be keeping. I have heard great things about the Snowflake Moray Eel and I really really want one, so it is definitely on my list. What other fish can I keep with it? Will he...