tank weight

  1. R

    29 Gallon Tank in 3rd floor apartment.

    I am building my first tank right now, It is a small tank, only 29 gallons (30"-12"-18" in) I have it sitting on a 58.8lb wooden cabinet. My math says the entire thing will weigh a little over 388lbs. The problem is that I live on the third floor of an apartment complex. The tank will be in the...
  2. strawberry_reef

    Questioning My Tank Placement

    House info: -Split level home, tank will be on top floor -Tank will be against structural wall -Probably looking at either a 75, 90 or 120 with 25ish gallon sump So here is my dilemma…the tank will be running parallel with my beams. There are some supports (seen in picture) running every 3-4...