tank transfer method

  1. taylormaximus

    Questions about Tank Transfer Method QT?

    So some brief backstory here, I set up my first saltwater tank about 6 weeks ago, got it cycled and added my first fish last week (firefish goby). I decided to forgo QT for the first fish fully aware of the potential consequences of this, figuring I'd get lucky with my first fish and I'd get my...
  2. Reaper_Six_Four

    Transferring Zoas to a new tank.

    I’m in the process of transferring my live stock to a new tank which is fully cycled. At what point can I transfer my Zoas over? I have a rock where I have a Zoa colony and a medium sized GSP in there. I was trying to transfer them last, but I’m having to remove all my rock cause my fish are...
  3. Reaper_Six_Four

    Moving Corals From an Established Tank to a New Tank

    Hey everyone, I'm just about done cycling my new tank and adding fish into it. My question is this, I mostly have softies with some LPS and very limited SPS in my existing tank (which will be decommissioned after new tank is complete). Many tanks take a while for stability before...
  4. N

    Upgrading Tanks. Help and advice needed and much appreciated!

    Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help! I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral. I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got...
  5. jeg2105

    Upgrading to the Red Sea Max E260 - Same day tank transfer

    Hey Reefers! 2020 started with me taking a new job where I thought taking a paycut would pay off in the end, lockdown started a few weeks later. 2020 ended like it did for many of you, with a lot of downs and some ups. 2021 started with me getting laid off - rough patch was turning darker. I...
  6. Diveks

    Torn on hippo tang treatment

    ive been quarantining this hippo tang for 2.5 months now and everything else ive quarantined (in different tanks) that i bought at the same time as the hippo had been fully cured and are now in the DT. sadly i cant say the same thing for the hippo. the hippo has been a pig, eating alot, since...
  7. Humble_Reefer

    Sick Da Vinci Clownfish

    Our new clownfish isnt looking so good (see youtube vid). We got her from a reputable breeder 3 days ago and she has been eating little, her breathing has become more labored, and she is less and less active. We were trying to do tank transfer and she is currently in a 2.5 gal with pvc pipe and...
  8. Scape

    TTM FOR VELVET(AND ICH) question, please help!

    Hey guys I was wondering if someone could really help any replies would be highly appreciated! So I'm about to start doing the Ttm for Velvet everythings ready I just had a few questions which if possibly answered could really help me, First question, can I do the the 36 hours any less then 36...
  9. Kyle Rinker

    TTM questions

    For all of you TTM proponents... It finally happened to me. I have a major ich infestation in my display. So far only my blue tang and sailfin have visible symptoms. Because it is a fully operating reef, I feel my only method of treatment will be removing the fish.I feel that tank transfer...
  10. G

    Ode to Humblefish

    Once upon a time There was a lad Gil, Who- to his chagrin- Nearly got his friends killed. After a long shift at work On a hot September day, Gil saw his fish had a spot: Ich had joined the fray. For a moment he panicked- Woe was he! He knew it was his fault, Now the whole world can see It...
  11. MnFish1

    QT - Why it sometimes fails?

    I would like to hear from people who 'Quarantine' their fish - not from those who do not use this method. This is not designed to determine what percent of people use QT methods - but rather those who do - what percentage have had a failure.... Lets discuss the reasons why it is 'great' -...
  12. HomeSlizzice

    QT and TTM plan while renting/limited space.

    Hi Everyone, I need some help planning my new QT and/or TTM method for fish in my tank. First off let me give you the bad new, heart breaking news.... I recently lost almost all of my fish to Velvet as of yesterday (PBT, Regal Angel, Potters Angel, Isosceles Wrasse, 2x Yellow Wrasse, and Royal...
  13. Reefahholic

    40mg CP treatment & TTM day 10

    The Blue Regal stopped eating and some of the other fish slowed down too. The Regal's activity level also decreased. After the 3rd transfer, I didn't redose anymore CP. I noticed after about 10 hours he started to become more active. Regal's are very weird fishes anyway, so you really need to...
  14. Reefahholic

    My new QT treatment logic.

    So now I'm changing my game plan on most new arrivals. I've been dosing CP (40mg) during TTM coupled with Prazipro. I feel it's about the safest route to go considering that nearly all fish I've seen lately have a Parasite, Flukes, Bacterial infection, Viral infection, etc, etc. We know that...
  15. revhtree

    Here we go TTM!

    Well I'm set up for my first go at TTM or the Tank Transfer Method! See anything I might be missing? 20g tank
  16. Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 02/2021 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine aquarist...
  17. Alexpora Corals

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 10/2020 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine...
Pirates Reef Corals