tank swap

  1. Av8tor2

    Replacing a defective tank...

    Hello Everyone! :) In the next few weeks or so, I am going to have to replace a defective tank. The tank is only been in operation for about 2 months now. It is fully cycled and has two clowns in it with a small CUC. It is a RS-S850 G2 (225 Gals). Should I try and save the water from the...
  2. S

    Switching tanks, when can I add an anenome?

    I currently have a Fluval Evo 13.5 reef that has been running for over a year and I have just purchased / set up an Innovative Marine Fusion 40 AIO to swap everything over once the tank is cycled properly. I have never kept an anenome but am aware they move around and will sting / kill corals...
  3. Mr.mussa

    Tank swap question

    Hello reefers, I currently own a fluval evo 13.5(been running since June 2021) and I wanted to upgrade to a waterbox 20. If I add all my live rock, bio media and some tank water from my evo to the cube 20. Will the cube 20 still cycle/mini cycle? Thank you and happy reefing!
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