tank size

  1. alexa08

    12g vs. 18g

    Help!! I am undecided between a 12g or 18g. I am planning to fill them with softys and some fish. The 12g dimension are : Width 16” x Length 15” x Height 11” The 18g dimensions are : Width 19” x Length 18” x Height 12”
  2. Hezam

    How big of a tank is too big for a beginner?

    Hello everyone! I am excited to join this forums after lurking and reading for months. I apologize if this is a repetitive question, but I didn't really the exact answer I want. Also I want to pick the brains of seasoned reefers to steer me in the right direction. Here's my dilemma. Read a lot...
  3. S

    Red Stop light cardinal

    I recently got a red stop light cardinal from my lfs for my 15 gallon cube tank. I was wondering if this was actually enough space for one because I couldn’t find much information online for them at all. I was also wondering if anyone else has had any experience with these guys
  4. HonorableWhat

    Snowflake only tank

    So! I'm one of those people that tried to keep a snowflake with fish, and while it's worked out so far. I'm slowly starting to see her get nippy towards fish on feeding day so when I move my fish and coral to my new tank, she is going to stay in the 4pg cube until I find a suitable new tank...
  5. W

    New fish tank stocking

    What’s up guys, after having fun with my fluval 13.5 I decided to finally get an actual sizable reef tank a NUVO 40L, so now I’ve got the tank setup and cycling and I’m planning out the stocking choice for it all. I want to make a mixed reef with this tank but I also want some more interesting...
  6. S

    How are minimum tank sizes decided?

    Even since getting into fishkeeping, I've wondered where the minimum tank size numbers actually come from. Early on, I heard of the inch per gallon rule, which although it had many exceptions, was pretty easy to follow. But now I'm just curious where these new numbers come from, especially since...
  7. Muffin87

    Coral quarantine minimum size

    I live in a small apartment, and I'm wondering how small can a coral quarantine be, provided I only want to test for Alkalinity once a week? I realise that Alkalinity consumption is not gonna be huge in a quarantine tank, but still.
  8. Karen00

    How do I approach customizing an AI preset schedule for my tank?

    Hello fellow saltines, Today is the first full run through of my AI Prime, using Saxby, on my 5g (in acclimation mode). My question is: If I like everything about the Saxby preset then is there a calculator or general scaling formula related to tank depth? Ex: I read that David Saxby's tank is...
  9. shawnriv

    Custom Made Tank - What will the tank dimensions look like?

    Hello All, I am looking to begin inquiring around to have a custom made tank made. The only problem is, how will I know what the tank size will look like? Is there anything online that I can type in size dimensions and it will create a rectangle image? I have been thinking about a 48x27x24 inch...
  10. Muffin87

    Have you upgraded to a larger tank purely to get more cabinet/sump space?

    I know you can go DYI, but if you go Red Sea or Waterbox, there's no way around it. You need to buy a larger tank to have more cabinet/sump space. I've DYI'd my first tank, a 50G, the result wasn't bad at all. My dad is a mechanical engineer with his own workshop, and he helped a lot. But after...
  11. Kyle Soto

    WHAT to do with Blue Tang in 65 gallon tank

    I recently purchased a 65 gallon Red Sea tank on Offerup. The owner was including all of his livestock along with the tank. One of the fish included was a fairly large blue tang (about 6-7 inches). I understand that he is likely too large for this tank but I had no choice but to take him. What...
  12. LAA

    Leopard puffer aka Green spot puffer tank mates etc.

    Hello everyone! I was at petco the other day (I know dont buy fish there...) they had a leopard puffer for sale for $5 and was in freshwater tank. ( i did buy him) These fish can live in fresh or brackish when young (he is 1 1/2 inch) but as they get older they need full marine. I have a 20...
  13. D

    Convict Tang in 4ft 165 gallon?

    Hi guys I currently have a 4ft 165 gallon(DT Volume) tank (4'X2.5'X2.5') and would like to purchase a convict tang. I'm not sure if I'll be overstocking my tank or if the tank is too small for an adult sized convict tang. I'd like to hear other's experiences with convict tangs and their usual...
  14. Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes

    Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes

    Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes Jay Hemdal For those not wishing to read the entire article, here is the basic formula for calculating the swimming space needs for active swimming species (tangs, wrasses, fusiliers, etc.) Look up the maximum adult size of the...
  15. fox0521

    Too much rock??

    Hey folks! I’ve got a 55 gallon set up as a peninsula. The tank is about 4 months old, and my question today is: can you have too much rock? I am worried that my tank won’t allow enough swimming room for additional fish, as I’ve already seen some minor aggression (territorial, clowns chase goby...
  16. kristinreed3

    First big tank

    Hey everyone, I’m looking to get A bigger set up in my new house. I’ve had saltwater in the past but they’ve always been Nannos. I really really like the look of the more slender and shallow tanks. Does anyone know any good all in ones or something from water box or Red Sea that would be a good...
  17. D

    Foxface Lo Tank Size Question

    I currently have a fully grown scribbled rabbitfish who is about 6 inches long and bought a foxface lo a few months ago that is about 4 inches long and is growing fast. My tank is a custom made 165 gallon that is 4 feet by 2.5 by 2.5 feet and I am worried that the tank will be too small for the...
  18. Schraufabagel

    Wondering what tank would suit my goals

    I would like to get into the hobby with a 55+ gallon tank this summer. I’ve been looking at the Waterbox Marine X 90.3/110.4, or Red Sea Reefer 300XL/350/425XL. I will be living in an apartment for the next 6 years at least. Here are the fish that I’d like to have at the very least: Clownfish...
  19. J

    Would a golden dwarf morray work in this setup?

    I am looking to see if a golden dwarf morray eel would work in the setup I have now. It is a 32 gallon biocube, I have 2 clowns and a small melanurus wrasse (he’s small now and I am rehoming him when he gets too big). Would the tank be too small to sustain him? Liveaquaria says 30 is min but...
  20. Perpetual Novice

    I got two male Wrasses? What do I do?

    I thought it was pretty rare to receive a male leopard wrasse but I just got two potters wrasses delivered and they’re both male... plus there is a smaller male leopard of a different species already in the tank. What do I do about this? Will it be a problem? How big does the tank need to be to...
  21. Csr1978

    What are the TRUE dosing instructions?

    I've always wondered what manufactures really mean when they give dosing instructions based on "gallons." For example, Korallen-Zucht and Red Sea give dosing instructions for their additives in terms of X ml or X drops per 25 gallons. Gallons of what? Is it based on the rated tank size (my...
  22. Eva Rose

    REMINDER: Before you Advise Know Size/Gallon of OP’s Tank

    Friendly reminder. I am seeing frequent suggestions of fish totally inappropriate for tanks due to their size. So before you post, look back to see size of OP’s tank. If it is not listed - ask for it. I’ve seen this happen at lot lately. Often seeing inappropriate fish for tanks that are only...
  23. S

    3x2x2 vs 4x2x2 tank size? which one would you choose

    hi might be a stupid question (and poll), but i would like your opinions on tank size/volume. i'm considering taking 2 identical tanks, whether it be 3x2x2 or the 4x2x2 and using one as a the display tank, and the other as the custom sump. i originally wanted to look at a 3x2x2f (85G) /...
  24. mcdrichj

    Looking for advice on tank size

    So I'm waiting to buy a house in southern New Hampshire as soon as something decent shows up on the market. Anyway, I am making preparations to upgrade my 15 gallon nano to a real tank. I am trying to get most of the equipment together for the tank so I can set it up to make a smooth transition...
  25. Peach02

    Naso tang happy in this tank?

    Essentially I'm thinking of a upgraded tank and would a naso tang or sailfin tang be happy in a 6" 2" 2" foot tank with light rockwork