#tank setup

  1. cubonano

    Are 2x Red Sea 50 LED enough for 3ft tank?

    Hello Fellow Reefers! I am getting a 3ft (90cm) tank end of the month. I have been really thinking about the lighting and I definitely need help to make the right choice. I would like to explain my idea with the reef so that I can provide as much detail as possible. Reef Type: Mixed Reef...
  2. S

    How to/ what is?? The best sump system

    I inherited a 56 gallon Uniquarium tank with a built in Sump system from a good friend. dimensions: Full tank size: Sump area: 4” D 24” H 36” W Swimmable area: 10.25” D 24” H 36” W The pump sits above a sponge and some ammonia reducing media. The water then passes through a protein skimmer...