Hi all, my first ever post and I am completely new to reefing. I have successfully been keeping freshwater (see pic below) for a year after having dropped the hobby a few years ago and have always longed for a reef tank.
I’m considering buy a Redsea 750xxl second hand, from someone who has...
I got some secondhand corals and I’m trying to clean them up. Are the white tubes anything to worry about? I know the brown tubes are feather worms.
Backstory: Yesterday I bought a tank and I didn’t realize it still had fish and corals in it. The tank was nasty and very under maintained. I...
Hello All! I can't wait to get a little more involved in the community. Buckle up this is somewhat of a long post but I am seeking advice in the last paragraph if you would like to jump ahead. Starting off I would like to introduce myself. I am a Marine Biologist and had originally hoped to...
So here we go...
I bought a 40gal Aqua Top off Craiglist that was in bad shape that has only been running for 3 months.
The tank was full of algae so bad you couldn't even see the fish.
There was a mix of rock in there to include some weird freshwater fake rock and sculptures. Hidden behind one...