tank parameters

  1. declannr

    EMERGENCY Bad Water Parameters, REEFER 250

    Hi I’m looking for some help I recently got into reef keeping just over Christmas I started out with a reefer 170 and very quickly got bored of this and realised I should have gone for a reefer 250 so within a month I upgraded I set my reefer 250 up on the 04/02/2022 so it has been running...
  2. J

    Alk dropping and Calcium going up?

    Hey everyone, so I’m trying to stabilize my parameters and get a good dosing schedule going but my calcium keeps rising and my alk keeps dropping pretty fast. I know that they are connected and that’s why that’s happening. My alk is currently around 10 dKH and my calcium 501ppm (trident system...
  3. Thawman

    Nitrate swings after months of stability

    How/why would my nitrate swing so much throughout the day? And how to correct it? 100 gallon tank, 4 months old, transfer from 2 year old 40 gallon, mostly softy and LPS, few SPS. I attached pictures of the readings. But at times, I have tested NO3 in the course of a day and it can swing from...
  4. sunshineb

    Cycling a Biocube 32 Gal. - Water Params

    Tested my water today with an API kit, Tank has been up and running with live rock, live sand, and pre-mixed salt water purchased at LFS for about 1 week. Water params: pH: 8.2 Ammonia: about 0.25ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 0ppm Noticed a bit of brown algae growth but LFS says there wouldn't...
  5. Alexgar224

    Why are my corals ticked off?

    Good evening, This is my first post to this forum so here's to hoping everything goes well! haha I've been wondering why my tank hasn't been doing too good for the past 2-3 months. The corals have basically been retracted and slowly dying off for the previous time stated. my current tank...
  6. jcabral125

    Not reading calcium correct?

    So I’m not sure if I’m completely losing my mind but I’ve been struggling getting my calcium levels up and I’m starting to feel like my test just isn’t accurate. I’ve never had this problem with my api test kit before but this is strange. I have a Xenia coral, green galaxea a very very small...
  7. Reef Kinetics

    ReefBot Reef Kinetics Unboxing, Setup and Initial Review by ReefDudes

  8. Tank Parameters Of Some Masters

    Tank Parameters Of Some Masters

    Tank Parameters Of Some Masters To this day one of the most frequently asked questions I get, and actually that many “old time hobbyists” get is “How do I get rid of the algae in my tank. My first question then is “what are the parameters of your tank’s water? Invariably the answer is my tank’s...
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