tank mates

  1. S

    Adding fish to my 135

    So I have a 135 gallon with two ocellaris clownfish, there about 1 inch current (I realize this is small) would it be possible to either: A) get a blue jaw trigger fish that’s a juvenile or would it still be too big and potentially you know? B) wait till the clowns become full grown and then get...
  2. BleachedCoral

    Opinion on this roster of fish for a 126 gallon aquarium as a first timer?

    Hello everyone, I got a new 126 gallon aquarium and been doing some shopping for which fish I should add to the tank. I came up with this list. In your opinion, are these good picks or should I reconsider? (1) Yellow Tang (1) Six-Line Wrasse (1) Azure Damselfish (2) Common Clownfish (2-3)...
  3. G


    So I’m really fixed on stocking my tank with a vtail grouper it is a 75 and I know it says 180 but I keep hearing that it’s ok so what tankmates could I put for him
  4. SeaMaiden92

    Would a Mandarinfish and a Molly Miller Blenny compete for food?

    I am considering getting a Molly Miller Blenny, but I am determined to get a Mandarinfish someday. If I got a MM Blenny would it compete with the Mandarinfish for copepods? Thanks!
  5. J

    Fight in tank. Advice needed!

    Hi guys, bought a jester goby yesterday to add into the tank (Evo 52 litre/13.5 gallon). I already have an orchid dottyback and two clownfish. This morning his back and top fins seem to have been nibbled/attacked. Any advice? Is it first night type issues or a bigger issue and I should take him...
  6. LAA

    Leopard puffer aka Green spot puffer tank mates etc.

    Hello everyone! I was at petco the other day (I know dont buy fish there...) they had a leopard puffer for sale for $5 and was in freshwater tank. ( i did buy him) These fish can live in fresh or brackish when young (he is 1 1/2 inch) but as they get older they need full marine. I have a 20...
  7. M

    90 gallon Tank Mates?

    Hey everyone I recently had a goby perish and am looking for ideas of replacements for sometime don’t want another goby as there is 100 gallons of live rock and he was not easy to confirm dead. I have 2 maybe 1/2-1 in clowns A blue tang about 1 and 1/2 inch (tang police relax I already have...
  8. K

    Tank mate ideas

    I have a 220 gallon established FOWLR aquarium that has a 10" snowflake eel, purple tang that is somewhat aggressive, regular Foxface, 7" Queen Angel, and Dwarf Flame angel. I want to add a few more fish but I'm having trouble deciding what to stock due to the potentially aggressive nature of...
  9. J

    Would a golden dwarf morray work in this setup?

    I am looking to see if a golden dwarf morray eel would work in the setup I have now. It is a 32 gallon biocube, I have 2 clowns and a small melanurus wrasse (he’s small now and I am rehoming him when he gets too big). Would the tank be too small to sustain him? Liveaquaria says 30 is min but...
  10. N

    Tank Mate Ideas, need some inspiration!

    Hi guys, I got out one of my old tanks I decommissioned a couple years back and decided to get it up and running again. Previously it primarily inhabited a lionfish, eel and triggerfish. I don’t want to have too many fish for this tank, just some nice show pieces. I was thinking an emperor...
  11. jackalexander

    Damsel ID

    I got this damselfish from my LFS a week ago for $15 but they didn’t say what kind it was. Just curious about the species and good tank mates, I would like to have a pair of clowns and wrasse with him but I know damselfish are pretty aggressive. & Yes I know he has a case of ich. I’ve been...
  12. Erick Armanii

    Finding Nemo and some tank mates!

    Hello everyone! It’s been a long time coming but the day is finally here! After a hot water heater failed we were forced to temporarily tear down my tank and leave it in an “essentials only” setup while we repaired the basement What better time to upgrade to a bigger tank!!! I’ve been about...
  13. Gator2019

    Blue Throat Trigger and tank mates

    I am trying to look into getting a blue throat trigger and wanted to see if anyone sees issues with what I already have not working. Current stocking: Tomini tang Foxface 3 clownfish Melonarius Wrasse Mandarin 4 damsels Peppermint shrimp 2 sea urchins X crabs and snails Also various corals...
  14. C

    Time to stop watching live rock grow

    So the time has come to start getting fishies for me tank. I have come up with a few fish that I would like to add to my eventual reef tank. I wanted to know if I should add them all at once or phase them in. I came up with the following for my beginner list: Cardinal Fish 2 Yellow Tang...