tank maintenance

  1. agame2021

    peristaltic pump for auto water changes

    Alright so I’m done with pushing around 33 gallon brute trash cans and want to upgrade to a auto water change. (That and the brute trash can wheels are leaving marks in my linoleum floors and I need help getting them over the 4” doorway lip…) peristaltic pumps are primarily used for dosing but...
  2. HWEP

    Coral happy, but not thriving?

    Hi all, This was my first tank (now have 2). I've had it coming 1 year and It's a red sea 130D (30gal cube basically). I have predominantly LPS with a few softies... Stock list at the bottom if you're interested. I water change around once every 2-3 weeks and dose AB+ once a week as it's an...
  3. ariellemermaid

    Where did our nitrates go?!

    We have a 20g, for all intents and purposes, fully fledged nano reef 1 year old. It’s actually our coral and invert QT but lots of LR, sand, and some corals we’ve planted. We’ll give the crabs a little nori, a few pellets individually, and sometimes some coral food but no crazy feeding going on...
Your Reef