tank emergency

  1. machtuck

    EMERGENCY Lid Fell In and Chipped Inside of Tank Glass

    Yesterday while installing my new skimmer I knocked one half of my crappy glass "lid" into the tank. Anyone with an Aquatop 40 knows how it's a balancing act for these lids. I made the noob mistake of not removing it while doing maintenance. I paid the price, as upon tank inspection this morning...
  2. Thomas Jedlicka

    Emergency Tank Cloudy and extremely high nitrate! Need advice/help ASAP!

    TANK EMERGENCY 270 Gallons. Hello Everybody. Close to a month ago I had a pump failure and my entire tank died apart from a puffer and 3 eels. after dealing with the tank and removing all fish cleaning it allowing it to get back to a normal state I started to restock the tank. The tank was fine...
  3. GoodKat

    Emergency: Protein Skimmer Overflow / CO2 scrubber. DROP in Alkalinity

    I am having a rough week. and need some help figuring this out. I use BRS soda lime pellets on a recirculating CO2 Scrubber / protein skimmer set up. Tonight the protein skimmer over flowed and began sucking some water through the soda lime pellets and CO2 scrubber. The contaminated soda...
  4. J

    Small chip inside my 90 gallon

    I noticed 2 small chip inside my 90 gallon should I worry?
  5. MJV15

    Salinity screw up need to raise my tank from 1.017

    Situation up front, do to my poor selection in refractometers my 90 gal LPS dominate tank is currently sitting at 1.017 and I need to know how much and how quickly I should raise the salinity. I notice that about 2 weeks ago that my hammer wasn’t extending as much as he had been so I started...
  6. Devin_R.

    Cleaner Shrimp eating Clam?

    Hi, I just picked up a small gold maxima clam today. I drip acclimated it for about 2 hours, and added it to my tank. I watched it a bit and all seemed fine so I walked away for a while. A couple of minutes went by and I went to check on it and that’s when I noticed my cleaner shrimp picking at...
  7. damselindistress

    Things that make you want to hang up your fins...

    Came home from my first day back at work after a blissful week long vacation leading up to Christmas, only to find that my HOB skimmer has somehow malfunctioned today. During the process it created a siphon and poured about 5 gallons of saltwater onto my living room floor, which then proceeded...
  8. J

    HELP! Anemone all Shriveled Up! Is it dying?

    Hi, about two weeks ago I got a bta, and today it decided to shrivel up. Why did it do this. I checked my water and everything seems to be fine but nitrates are high. What could be causing high nitrates if I do a 25% water change each week? Maybe the test is off but is my anemone dying?
  9. J

    HELP! Hammer Coral Not Opening

    Hi, I bought a green hammer coral a couple days ago and its not opening up. Is this normal or is there something I have to be worrying about? Thank you
  10. ChelseaBidwell

    Help! Brooklynella?

    I have 2 Royal Gramma Basslets, and a Zebra Barred Dartfish in QT# 2. They have all underwent a 14-day 2.0 ppm copper treatment in QT# 1 and were transferred over to this sterile tank on 9/22. Since then, they have been treated with GC in the water column (we follow @HotRocks 's QT procedure to...
  11. ChelseaBidwell

    Help! Brooklynella?

    I have 2 Royal Gramma Basslets, and a Zebra Barred Dartfish in QT# 2. They have all underwent a 14-day 2.0 ppm copper treatment in QT# 1 and were transferred over to this sterile tank on 9/22. Since then, they have been treated with GC in the water column (we follow @HotRocks 's QT procedure to...
  12. oneilwiz

    Every Coral Added to Tank dies or browns out in 24 hrs

    Background: I have started since last week to purchase corals listed below one or two pieces at a time. Before adding corals to the tank, I float them in the tank for 15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of drip acclimation. Once that is completed, I move on to dipping corals for 10 minutes...
  13. S

    This did not end well. TANK WENT BOOM!

    Hi, I came across this video on YouTube. I dont have anymore details from what you see in the video but to put it mildly this was a total tank disaster. Watch, enjoy and comment
  14. Evan28395950

    Aiptasia on Maxima Clam

    So I tried getting this Aiptasia out of my tank, but my pliers just wouldn’t reach into that area. I’m thinking I’ll try something different in the morning, is it ok to leave it like this?
Reef Chasers Aquaculture