tank crashing

  1. The Rasta Reefer

    Defensive reefing - Controlled tank crashes may develop new Reefer's confidence

    If all your main flow through filtration systems (sump, canisters, reactors etc ) went down for 9 months, could you sail your tank safely while adding livestock and feeding normally as if nothing happened? The Rasta Reefer thinks he can, and yes that includes turning off all return pumps on his...
  2. ThatsNoMoon

    EMERGENCY Tank Crashing?

    Hello all I just woke up to find all my snails at the top of the tank if not above the water level. The Coraline all over my tank is turning white around the edges. the fish seem ok but are all sleeping as the lights are off. This is all overnight I did a quick water change to see if it...
  3. M

    Sick Clown + Impending Tank Crash

    Hi, I've had a heck of a time recently with my tank and have several things going on, creating an impending crash no doubt. Right now it sort of feels like when you are going down a hill on a bike and your front wheel starts to wobble. You know it's going to end poorly soon... The latest is...
  4. LEOreefer

    Almost tank crash , check your equipment!

    For tonight's update we cover how to crash your tank! The last few day I realized the my corals looked off. I've been neglecting to test my parameters so I figured my calcium was off since I have my alk on a doser. Sure enough my calcium was at 290. So I corrected the issue and prepared to do a...
  5. Daniel Makas

    My Tank is CRASHING! What to do next?

    I am reaching out to the community of REEFER PROS to help me rebound my nano to success. I have been neglecting it big time due to the normal obstacles of life and I could def use some coaching to get my baby back to its prestige self, I’m not really a novice, but I’m def, not a pro. I hope to...