tank crash

  1. Ctownjlo

    Aquarium fire

    Hi all. I've been on these threads a while but unfortunately this is my first post. About a month ago I lost my tank to an electrical fire in my controller cabinet. Worst of all is I lost one of my dogs. I was pretty tidy with my electrical as I had made a controller board. Tank was up a year...
  2. Phoerut

    EMERGENCY Tank crashed - how do deal with the damaged and dead?

    My tank crashed This was the series of events that caused this: Reef flux added 24hours later crazy ammonia spike - why this happened I’m not sure - like off key maxed out my testing kit and I wondered how everything was still alive. Fish okay. Some of my corals look ticked. Urchin was...
  3. argiBK

    Catastrophe on Vacation

    Finally feeling ok enough to talk about this as coming back from 2-weeks in Europe, I returned to my fish tank with the vast majority of my fish community completely obliterated. I’m still a little numb to all this, constantly waivering between exiting the hobby and trying to salvage and...
  4. JayFish4004

    Help!! Tank is crashing - all my LPS are dying to tissue recession

    I am in trouble. Had a thriving tank up until I did an ICP test and noticed phosphates were out of control at 2.1ppm - ended up dropping it to 0.3ppm with phosguard over the span of about 50 days, and some type of process in dropping the phosphates seems to be killing my LPS. Tank is a year and...
  5. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Tank crash, ICP test, and New Build

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  6. design.maddie

    Tank crashed during extended move, now what?

    Long story short: A move was supposed to take 2 days with a third day dedicated just to moving the tank. None of that happened. Move ended up lasting almost a week with no time left for the tank. Electric got shut off earlier than expect at the previous house. No way to make saltwater for 3...
  7. lucyretz

    A memorial for my beloved pico.

    Unfortunately, last night i came home from work to find my pico crashing. we rushed to the LFS and picked up anything and everything to test and treat, but it was too late. What happened was a hermit crab died behind my scape, and threw the water quality off. i didn’t notice in time so one...
  8. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Gathering / documenting information / studies on black bugs

    https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/please-help-me-out-any-info-appreciated-very-much.895597/#post-9951997 Worst experience I’ve had in my 13/14 years of reef keeping. This has gone on for almost a full year. I recently set up a Red Sea reefer xl system and I am taking this old system down and...
  9. Ancarol2421

    Restarting a Crashed Tank

    Hi friends, Long story short, my tank crashed on Friday (3 days ago) - unknown cause, suspect heat swing or water chemistry issue. I noticed something was amiss because a few corals were dead along with all my inverts. I was able to evacuate the survivors into a small sump I had laying around...
  10. reefrubble

    Spawning Bristle Worms

    As if bristle worms weren't already prolific enough, today I captured this video of a full-blown bristle worm spawning frenzy. Although the video is undoubtedly a disgusting spectacle, the circumstances under which it happened were quite catastrophic. Over the past month, I have been slowly...
  11. jfoahs04

    What percentage of reefers have experienced disasters?

    As a long time member of reefing forums (though relatively new to R2R), I see a ton of "Emergency!", "Help!", "All of my fish/coral is dying!", etc. threads and it's got me wondering what do you think is the percentage of reefers who have experienced disasters? When I say "disaster," I don't...
  12. LauraR

    Nano Build Rebuild after Hurricane Ida

    I set up a 20 gal saltwater tank for a couple of hermit crabs my kids brought home from the beach last summer, and have been tinkering with and adding to it ever since (live rock, mangrove trees, sps coral, two clownfish and a bubble tip anemone). As of two weeks ago, water parameters were good...
  13. Sshannon

    I hear that eventually, every tank will crash...

    So far it hasn't happened to me. But I hear the horror stories where it comes out of nowhere. Mostly from people with a deep sandbed that don't vacuum it regularly. Thoughts?
  14. K

    Finnex Heater HMH 500S cooked my tank

    I woke up Thursday to a horrible smell. I thought my kids left the oven in it something. When I went in the living room my tank was cloudy and the external temp display was blinking 98.9. I reached into the water and it was very hot. All of my fish were floating (except for a freshwater...
  15. Alphawolfxz3

    Diano taking over pico tank

    Okay so I have had this pico tank for about 7 months now and I crashed the system three months ago from carbon over dosing and phosphorus guard Elite. I had to move the tank to my new house and in the mean time I scrubbed all of the rock to get the Diana’s off and replaced the crushed coral out...
  16. ReefSoup

    Corals Looking Rough - Possible Tank Crash?

    My tank is a little over a year old and is a mix of LPS and soft corals. I've lost a couple frags here and there but overall have had pretty good success and growth. Over the last few days, most of my corals have started to look pretty bad - zoas not opening all the way or curled skirts, acan...
  17. Lady of Babylon

    I just lost $5,000 in aquatic life because I did something stupid

    I am really devastated. I have been working on creating a sustainable ecosystem (indo/central pacific and heavily Hawaiian islands) with my saltwater tank. I want to breed a variety of specific hard to get species so that the aquarium trade doesn’t continue to have such devastating effects...
  18. ReefBud508

    Help corals dying?

    So i have a reef tank mixed softies sps....lps.....i having a issue now all the corals that are dying have been in this tank for 6 months or longer first my birds nest and stylo had necrosis now my blue ora chalice and a stunner has lost all its tissue underneath and now is bleaching out quickly...
  19. HellaDudes

    Desperate for help, tank crash imminent! (pics)

    So the past week has been a bad one for my reef tank. Everything was looking good until about a week ago. Almost all my LPS, especially my euphyllia, are receding/not opening up their polyps at all (see pics below). Some of the soft corals are doing terribly; my kenya tree and ricordia mushrooms...
  20. Alexreefer

    Semi tank crash

    Today was cleaning day for the tank, I have lots of hair algae and some dinos. I went in and was cleaning rocks for about an hour and a half. During this time all animals in the tank were acting normally. As soon as i started to add fresh saltwater into the tank all the fish swam start to the...
  21. J

    Corals seem lighter in colour after tank crash 5 days ago.

    Hey guys, i had a tank crash last week because of a failed return pump. Whole tank went cloudy and i lost some corals, fish and inverts. The one coral that didnt make it was my whole colony of anthelia. 8x6 inch colony disintegrated into a smelly mush on the 3rd day of the crash. I only got it...
  22. J

    HELP cloudy tank and corals dying

    3 days ago i woke up to a cloudy tank and lethargic livestock and corals not opened up and mushroom splitting maybe from stress. Turns out my return pump in the back sump of my all in one tank had broke most prob the night before and i didn’t notice till 11am the next day so maybe 24h with no...
  23. V

    Help. Tank Crash. All fish and inverts dead in one night after clean up and water change.

    I have this 275 gal marine tank for 10 years, Over the seas fish die slowly and recently only have a few fish left in the tank. I have some brittle starts, sea urchin as well. Last night, I am sick and tired of the green hair algae in my tank and decided to suck them up and brush my rocks, also...
  24. debees5

    Death March

    My tank has been on a downward spiral for about three weeks. I posted in a few FB forums and the answers I received were related to the possibility of current in the tank from failing pump/heater, or magnets leaching aluminum. I wasn’t able to identify either of these issues in my tank. Tank...
  25. Melia

    All my fish dead! Why??

    a few days ago, all my fish had begun dying. I found that my nitrates were sky rocketing (500 ppm) and I was so disappointed I didn’t catch it earlier. I was panicking trying to save what I had left, so I did a total water change because of how crazy the nitrates were. Just this morning my last...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture