tank builds

  1. SaltwaterandLime

    ADHD brain is keeping me from making a decision.....help!

    I keep overthinking all of our plans so nothing is happening. On the plus side, it means I'm taking my time for once. ....... Backstory: We recently broke down our old 60 gallon AIO mixed reef and set up our brand new Red Sea Reefer 250 (60-65 gallon total volume) on one side of the living...
  2. agame2021

    Which tank shape and size is your favorite?

    I am looking to build a tank here in the next 5 years and want to plan it out. I want to go big between 300-500 gallons for the total system. I think I am starting to want a tank around 5x5 foot and 18 inches deep. I like looking thru the water and see the fish/corals/live rock/etc… but I want...
  3. wonderphil-reef

    Best overflow boxes available in the UK

    Does anyone have a recommendation for overflow boxes that are available in the UK? Do not want hangover ones! Ordered a Fiji Cube for USD$242.65 on the 1st of June and still don't have it even after paying $100 for express postage!
  4. ChunkyMunky Pengopus

    Build Thread ChunkyMunky Pengopus's 63 gallon reef

    I can tell this will take a little while, so I'll do it in segments :) Part 1: The Prelude For quite some time, I had wanted a saltwater reef tank, a feeling many of us can probably still remember. A stroke of luck came to me one day when my uncle, who had a 55 gallon reef, generously decided...
  5. F i s h y

    Help me with my fish room electrical layout design.

    I will be having a house built with a fish room. My tank build will be an in-wall 225 (72L x 30D x 24T). Only the front of the tank will be visible in the living room, everything else will be in the fish room. I will have the opportunity to designate electricity and water specifically for the...
  6. alimac122


    So....you all asked for photos on my updates so here they are. This is my 40gal w/ 20gal sump that i DIY'd all by myself. CAN I TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM i was so fearful the pump wouldnt be strong enough or the setup would just fall apart. BUT YOUR GIRL DID IT ALL ALONE. I had a minor freak out...
  7. R

    Relative Safety of Glass vs Acrylic in Nano Aquariums

    Theoretically, acrylic aquarium seams, with proper material thickness and construction should form a chemical bond and be stronger than their silicone bonded glass counterparts. Would this potential seam strength benefit of acrylic over glass and silicone be worth the added maintenance and care...
  8. BigKid4788

    Build Thread Bigkid 280g build

    Hey guys! Wanted to share my current build. Been planning this for a while now. Took some time to try and figure out what would be the best way to go. Your feedback is certainly welcome and appreciated. Just so everyone knows I have a LFS (Aquarium Artisans) doing all the work. I'm not...
  9. sassAwrasse

    CTARS Members' Tank Builds

    Hey all. I know some of us have our tank builds on the CTARS forum and some of our tank builds are on the general forums. I thought it would be nice for us to put the links to our tank builds in this thread so we can all check 'em out. Thanks and stay reefy :-p