
  1. P

    Blue Hippo Tango skin issue

    Hi, unfortunately my Blue Hippo Tang has an issue around his mount. I was Googling different forums and initially thought it was a discolouration from not having enough "greens", as previously it was just a white patch above his mouth . This morning it appears to have broken out into an open...
  2. DeadlyCompassion

    2 Tangs kissing

    So weird title, I know. But the title is really all I can describe it as. My 2 tangs- Powder Blue Tang and Blonde Naso Tang- were caught red handed giving each other the kissy-kiss action. All jokes aside, I would like to know what kind of tang behavior this is and what it means? I've never had...
  3. B

    Stocking help

    So I have been setting up a 90 gal (4ft standard) for the past 4 months and am finalizing my fish stocking. Watchman goby A pair of osolarious clowns (sorry about spelling) 6 line wrase here is where I’m uncertain and have questions I want a kole tang but I also like yellow tangs, I’ve tease...
  4. Koral King


    Hybrid Yellow x Purple Tangs have arrived here at Koral King. We have two available!!! VERY RARE. These beautiful Tangs are bred by the World Famous Bali Aquarich. They are ready for a new home… Are you ready to own one of the rarest fish in the hobby? Only about 24 specimens are in existence...
  5. ReefChasers

    *RARE* Gold Rim Hybrid Tang!

    Gold Rim Hybrid Tang We've got a few of these guys hitting the site just now! Gold Rim Hybrid tangs, very rare very unique! It's a mix between a Gold Rim and an Achilles. Also sometimes called the HAW (Hybrid Achilles White Cheek? I think...) Tang. Never seen one in person before, but they are...
  6. aeo29067

    Tang ID

    Hello, so I should probably stop going to this questionable fish store because they obviously don't know much about saltwater fish ID but they have really good deals on fish so I keep going over. They sold me a fish yesterday that they told me was a yellow corris wrasse and its pretty obviously...
  7. DcoarM

    Chocolate Tang Acting Odd

    Anyone ever had a fish swim up and down against the glass all day? At first I thought he was seeing his reflection so I covered up the glass and he went away for the day. Woke up this morning and he is doing the same thing. Any ideas? I don't want to stress him out.
  8. Steph72

    Tang ID?

    I got this little guy about two months ago from a local pet shop that I won’t name. He was gasping and laying on the bottom of the tank getting ready to die. After a long ordeal of antibiotics and prazi I’m happy to say he’s now in great health! Only problem is I have no idea what kind of tang...
  9. esther

    Gem Tang Showoff Thread

    I want to see all of your gem tangs! I'm slightly obsessed with these fish currently and will be getting one soon (it's currently being quarantined). If you could, please post a pic and let me know the following, that would be awesome! If you don't want to provide info, please just post a pic...
  10. Giordano

    Multiple Tang Advice

    Looking for advice, I started with a 32 Biocube that came with a Blue Tang, knowing it would need a bigger tank I just picked up an established 90 gallon to give it more space. She is still small about 2 inches. I really would like to add at least another tang like a Powder Brown Tang. I will...
  11. ScubaZ

    Ich or marine velvet? Purple tang

    My new purple tang seemed to be looking healthy for the first few days and is now starting to worry me. White spots/dots are all over his body and fins. Is this ich or marine velvet? Or somthing else? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  12. BigTex1836

    Tang Gang Help Planning: Possible or Just Stupid?

    I have really wanted to have a tang gang. Is it possible to successfully keep 3 tangs in a 140 gallon tank? I want to do a mimic (Acanthurus pyroferus), Kole (Ctenochaetus strigosus), and yellow (Zebrasoma flavescens) tangs. I am trying trying to do different colors and species families. I...
  13. BigTex1836

    Stocking plan for 140ga DT with 34ga Sump

    I have a bare bottom 140 gallon tank, 48.5”x24.5”x29.5”. I have been cycling for a month, and parameters have stabilized. I think we are almost ready to start slowly stocking. This is eventually going to be a sps dominant reef tanks, so everything needs to be reef-safe. What are the thoughts...
  14. BellaCoop

    Stocking List in my 55g

    I have my 55g up and I am trying to get a good stocking list together. So far the only Must have for me is a pair of clown fish and I would really like some type of eel. My main issue is trying to find fish that are swimmers. I am trying to get a good amount of swimmers in it even though it only...
  15. Sistawolf

    Tang aggression

    I have a yellow tang and a tomini tang along with a Midas blenny, bar goby, watchman goby, Bangui cardinal, molly miller and a bonded pair of snowflake clowns.. about two months ago.. I separated the clowns thinking they were ready to have me babies.. they have yet to do so.. and I'm wanting to...
  16. Christopher Davis

    Build Thread Update on the 75 gallon!

    Hey guys how's everyone doing today happy Saturday. I thought it's about time I give you all an update on my 75 gallon aquarium how I have primarily been focused on my Nano reef. Here are some pictures of this mornings look into my 75 gallon. Everything this Tank is doing great since I switched...