
  1. BighohoReef

    To tang or not to tang

    Hi R2R friends, We're thinking about adding a tang to our 100g tank to combat the hair algae showing up in the tank, we have snails but thought a more active eater would help. Want to get some thoughts from the community on these two tangs Does anyone have experience with them? I'm...
  2. vgliha

    I Think My Coral Shrimp is Broken

    I have a Banded Coral Shrimp that I inherited with a tank I purchased. It also came with a Yellow Tang. The Tang swims up to the Shrimp all the time BEGGING for a cleaning. The Tag turns sideways and tries to get close. The shrimp wants absolutely nothing to do with the Tang and will respond...
  3. DQM5

    California Purple tang

    Hey guys, I got this purple tang for 3 years, eats like a champ. He was half a dollar when I got him. Now he’s about 4-5 inches and too big for my tank. Local pick up only. Socal 90680
  4. Reefman603

    Mimic tang with flukes

    Picked up a mimic tang this past weekend and believe he has flukes.. What can I treat him with to cure and rid the parasites? I was hoping to use prazi pro but no local store around me carries it, wondering what else I could use to treat it? I want to start treating ASAP before it gets worse.
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