tang police

  1. findingsimple

    Tang police - what are my chances?

    My partner has fallen in love with a PBT and wants to add it to our tank which already has a juvenile mimic tang. The PBT looks like a healthy adult - not massive - but not a juvenile. What are my chances it will work out? It is a 500 litres peninsula tank with an average stocking (I would...
  2. payrawsa

    Maximum number of tangs in a 8x2x2 tank

    Assume: All fish are introduced at the same time Proper filtration All fish quarantined Mix of tangs from nasos to kole tangs. ie 1 or 2 of each species Thank you!
  3. polyppal

    What the world really needs now...

    is some fresh Tang Police gifs. (I had way too much downtime this afternoon)
  4. raphgiroux

    Tang family

    Hello there, no need for Tang police here, I understand about having a lot of tangs together. But I have a Tomini and a yellow tang that are besties, I'd like to add a third one but I don't know which would be as pacific.... Can you help me sort the 4 families of tangs and give me your favorite...
  5. Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes

    Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes

    Estimating the Need for Swimming Space for Aquarium Fishes Jay Hemdal For those not wishing to read the entire article, here is the basic formula for calculating the swimming space needs for active swimming species (tangs, wrasses, fusiliers, etc.) Look up the maximum adult size of the...
  6. F

    Mimic Tang care. What is the actual minimum sized tank?

    Hi all, I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with these tangs (Mimic/Chocolate tang). I've gotten multiple different answers on whether I can keep one in my 90g reef. Some say a minimum size of 125g, others 90 and there were even a few 75g. I already feed nori strips to my one spot...
  7. jackalexander

    Tang Tank Size

    I want to keep a kole yellow eye tang in my larger tank (100 gallons) but some of the other tangs in there are large so I don’t want it to get picked on. The kole tang is about 1 inch at my LFS. I wanted to know if I could keep it short term in my 2ft, 35 gallon tank.
  8. Erick Armanii

    Finding Nemo and some tank mates!

    Hello everyone! It’s been a long time coming but the day is finally here! After a hot water heater failed we were forced to temporarily tear down my tank and leave it in an “essentials only” setup while we repaired the basement What better time to upgrade to a bigger tank!!! I’ve been about...
  9. T

    Can I keep a Blue Tang in a ten gallon

    Hear me out So I’ve had my ten gallon reef tank setup for around 3 months and my mother bought a baby blue tang from the LFS because she wanted a dory. I don’t know much about blue tangs since I only had a pair of juvenile clownfish for less than a month but when I searhed it up it says they...
  10. Peach02

    Naso tang happy in this tank?

    Essentially I'm thinking of a upgraded tank and would a naso tang or sailfin tang be happy in a 6" 2" 2" foot tank with light rockwork
  11. DQM5

    California Purple tang

    Hey guys, I got this purple tang for 3 years, eats like a champ. He was half a dollar when I got him. Now he’s about 4-5 inches and too big for my tank. Local pick up only. Socal 90680
  12. damselindistress

    Tang took a leap

    Last night I was tinkering with my skimmer after lights out and I must’ve startled my Tomini Tang because he took a flying LEAP out of my tank - I don’t mean he causally hoisted himself over the side I mean he took flight. It was so fast that all I heard was a splash and then wild flapping...
  13. Reefer5640

    Help Choosing Stock Please

    so I’m just finishing up a new 120 gal “consolidation” build. I took all 7 of my tanks down and consolidated bits of each into one tank. It was getting to be too much and overtaking my life. The problem with consolidating everything into one tank is that I can’t decide on which fish to keep. My...
  14. Struggler

    A Purple Kole Tang?

    Hello, I have been looking to add a Kole Tang to my 90 gallon and I have notice that some of the Kole tangs that I have seen have either been brown or purple in color. Can anyone explain to me this difference and how I could order a kole tang so that it will specifically be more on the purple...
  15. Struggler

    Atlantic Blue Tang: Acanthurus coeruleus

    So I have seen people say that you need a 180 gallon tank and others say a 75 gallon tank for this fish. How is there such a variation in the recommendations? I have a 90 gallon right now would that work for them? I would like to get one very young in the yellow stage and watch it change over...
  16. Struggler

    Help Picking A Tang!

    Hello guys I'm new to the hobby and still currently choosing my stocking on a 90 gallon tank I have. Currently I have 2 blue/green chromis. I am going to be adding two Ocellaris clownfish this friday and would like to add a reef safe wrasse, a Foxface Rabbit fish and then a Tang best friend for...
  17. Gator2019

    Can I keep them? Tang police

    I currently have a 90 gallon tank with a Tomini tang, foxface, and a few others, but those two are my main worry. Anyways, where I live, I only really have one place to put my tank and it’s right below my TV. Because of that, I can’t have any hanging lights or it would block my TV. Well a local...
Tank Stop