tailspot blenny

  1. H

    Mysterious death of Tailspot

    Lost my first fish yesterday, absolutely gutted as my little tailspot was a real character and the tank feels much quieter without him. Looking for any possible advice on why he might’ve died? The tank mates were a clown and a hectors goby, all of which he would regularly swim with and get on...
  2. P

    Tailspot Blenny and Hector's Goby in Evo 13.5

    I would like to know if these two fish would get along in an evo 13.5? I know the blenny is mostly vegetarian while the goby is mainly carnivorous but they both dwell on the bottom. The Hector's goby is already in the tank and found his burrow. Would like to add a tailspot blenny if they are...
  3. gatorcream

    Could a fish die the day AFTER a bully is removed?

    As the title says, I have a tailspot blenny that was being harassed by my starry blenny pretty consistently for about 4 days. I removed the starry blenny yesterday morning, as I noticed the aggression was not calming down. Today, (it’s late afternoon for me) I come home to the tailspot dead :(...
  4. gatorcream

    Would a Midas blenny get along with a tailspot in a 40gal?

    I have a tailspot blenny in a 40 gal, I have a starry blenny in there that’s bullying him to no end and I’m removing him asap. Im absolutely in love with blennies and I’m very sad I’m having to rehome my starry blenny but I’m not going to tolerate fish bullies. Do you guys think he could be...
  5. S

    Tailspot Blenny Flashing?

    Hey folks, hoping for some advice on my tailspot blenny in my pico reef. He's been in the tank for about 1.5 months now, looks healthy, swims around, and eats regularly. Unfortunately I just started noticing him flashing periodically this last week. It's not constant, but I've seen it everyday...
  6. A

    Wild caught Blenny need ID

    Hi guys, I caught this Blenny at a seashore, but it doesn't look like any of those in commercial trade. Anyone know its scientific or common name? It's currently in quarantined before adding to my 10g tank.
  7. adamlodge14

    Goby and blenny compatibility

    Hi, I have a Fluval evo 13.5 and was wondering whether a Yasha goby, tailspot blenny and neon goby would all get along together, thanks. This is my tank.. it has lots of live rock
  8. N

    Would this be over stocked?

    Hi there, I have an Evo 13.5 set up and am getting around to stocking fish and having never run a nano before i’m wondering if this would be overstocked: Possum wrasse of some kind (wetmorella or Pseudocheilinops) Royal Gramma Tail Spot Blenny Thanks for your help!
  9. TSBlennyEating2.png


    Betty the blenny eatin and poopin!
  10. TSBlennyEating1.png


    Betty the Blenny eating.
  11. TSBlenny.png


    Betty the Blenny
  12. hds4216

    Not happy with LA - Tail Spot Blenny was dead on arrival, water in bag was 49 degrees F

    I ordered a Tail Spot Blenny off of Diver's Den, and left a note on my order saying to include multiple heat packs, as it is cold today where I live (Though not that cold, about 40 degrees. It should have been fine.) When I got my order, the water was freezing cold; 49.3 F according to my...
  13. hds4216

    Ordered a Tailspot Blenny but it was dead on arrival

    Ordered a tailspot blenny from Salty Bottom Reef Co., but it was dead on arrival. When I opened the box in low light conditions it did not look alive. It was floating upside down and had no visible respiration. Despite this, I know the shipping process can be traumatic, so I followed normal...
  14. hds4216

    Does anyone know where to get a Tailspot Blenny?

    They're sold out everywhere I look - online and at all 16 of my local LFS. If anyone knows where to get one, I'd be much obliged!
  15. hds4216

    What is everyone's favorite blenny?

    Looking for recommendations on a blenny - I want a lively, active fish w/ some personality, that doesn't grow too big. I've been thinking of a lawnmower blenny, midas blenny, or starry blenny. The tailspot blenny seems perfect but I can't find it anywhere. It's sold out on every store online and...
  16. Sipec

    Can blennies go together?

    Here's some backstory: Me and my father both have tanks I've been wanting to upgrade for a while, he decided his tank is too big and decided to downgrade Now he's decided he wants out and offered me all his aquarium stuff So basically my current stocking is a Royal Gramma, tailspot blenny, and...
  17. mattybecks

    My new fish! tailspot blenny and yellow watchman goby

    The newest additions to my tank - the tailspot has got to be one of the best algae eaters I have ever come across.
  18. alexytman

    Do tail spots eat monties?

    I had this tailspot blenny for a few months and never seen it pick at sps. However, recently it started to nip at my setosa and capricornis. Just a side note that I recently switched to rowa and maybe the phos dropped too quick but I definitely see nipping.
  19. Reef Dog 29

    Blenny Question

    Hi everybody, I have a Tailspot blenny in my 29gal biocube with a Clarkii CF, Lemon peel Angel, and a newly added Flame Hawkfish. Before I added the hawkfish, everyone in the tank was fine and very visible. Ever since the addition of the hawkfish, I have not seen the blenny out in the open and...
  20. jk_s124

    Tailspot blenny and firefish biocube 29

    Hello! I have a biocube 29 with 2 clowns, 1 green chromis and a firefish. Firefish was added just over a month ago and has his cave well established. He is doing great. Eating and coming out from time to time. I would like to add a blenny. From what I have read I feel the tailspot would...
TCK Corals