
  1. sarinaruu

    Bristle worm / watchman goby / pistol shrimp relationship

    so this is interesting, when feeding my goby and pistol shrimp whom were both out, a bristle worm came out with them! it was touching the goby and he didn’t even seem to mind and when the goby went in the burrow it did too. i waited for it to come out enough and managed to yoink it out though...
  2. B

    When you need to shake "gentley" for two mintues

    Don't waste time, be efficient! And incase the embedded video doesn't work:
  3. AccidentalAquarist

    AIO Build Rebuilding my Mini Ocean

    Last year's freeze in TX hit my 6 yo tank pretty hard and I didn't have a battery powered heater or pump to save it :( Unfortunately, most of the fish, the inverts, coral, and sponges did not survive. I take a lot of pride in the care of my critters so, losing so much of my tank so quickly hit...
  4. AddyBoy

    Dracula goby and pistol shrimp not pairing

    So I’m new to reef2reef but I would love some advise on what to do about my new dracula goby and practically microscopic pistol shrimp. I introduced the pair (Dracula goby and Randall’s pistol shrimp) to my JBJ 45 all in one tank about 3 days ago. I siphoned a small hole for them to take refuge...
  5. multsh

    Paired goby and randalls pistol

    I am considering getting a Randall's pistol shrimp, with already paired gobies. Question is...will the already paired gobies pair with the pistol? Or do pistols only pair with one goby? Want to ensure nothing happens to either goby (or the pistol!) Thanks!
  6. averi spears

    Senior project ideas?

    Hi, I'm Averi Spears. I've never had a saltwater fish tank so I would like to put one together for my senior project. I have a mentor that is very experienced but we're still looking for ideas and help. My topic is about the symbiotic relationships within the saltwater ecosystem so of course I...
  7. ThunderGoose

    Pistol Shrimp and Watchmen Goby not paired

    I've had a pistol shrimp in my tank for a while now. About 2 weeks ago I added a watchman goby. I released the watchman goby near (ish) the place the pistol shrimp calls home. Now I have the pistol shrimp in her original location under a large rock toward the left side of the tank and the...
  8. alexytman

    coral/anemone on crabs

    I was wondering is there a species (similar to pompom crab) where they carry anemones / corals and they actually live. I've heard decorator crabs cut off zoans but do the polys live or just die? I really want a moving tiny reef so please tell me anything ASAP thx ^^
  9. metrokat

    Build Thread Lonely Hearts Reef Club

    Classified Ad My name is Juu. I'm a Japanese Cherry Red Pistol. (Alpheus bisincisus) I'm a big guy and I can snap really loudly. I've been lonely for a while now :( I really need somebody to pet with my antennas. Can you help me? I came in as a hitchiker to my humans tank, about 3 years...
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