switching tanks

  1. ReeferHendrix

    Build Thread Reefer Hendrix 150 gal project

    So I’ve finally have been able to get my dream 150 gallon tank! But she’s a bit of a project so as much as I want to fill it up right away I have some things to do first . It’s already drilled, has over flow, came with a sump, ato water tank, and what I was told are two “China box lights”. I...
  2. K

    Switching tanks

    Currently I have a 55 gal with a 20 or so gal sump running. I’m about to get a used 90 gal display with 30 gal sump. My home is quite small so it would need to be right where my current one is. I’ve read up on some old threads about using buckets and such which I will for the fish and live rock...
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