swimming behaviour

  1. JennyH3

    EMERGENCY PraziPro fish swimming not as usual

    Sorry title is odd - couldn’t figure out how to word it. I am in day 3 of PraziPro treatment for flukes. My fish are way more active than usual racing around the tank. Blue hippo tang - now has minimal rock scratching. Only scratching I’ve noticed that is new is black clownfish. The tiger...
  2. flakychips

    Purple tang swimming in circles over wavemaker

    So we got a purple tang four days ago and we started noticing this strange pattern of swimming around the wavemaker when the lights turn blue (eco smart radion). Watch the video below. It’s always swimming this way on the same side of the tank too (110 gallon). Maybe this is just an adjustment...
  3. R

    Bristle Tooth Tang acting weird

    I woke up today and my bristle tooth tang has mostly just been hanging out on the bottom. This is really unusual and I’m worried he might be sick. What do y’all think?
  4. Padawan

    Clownfish Help

    Hi guys, I'm worried about one of my clownfish, he seems to be having trouble swimming and keeping himself upright. There seems to be some sort of color change or discoloration on one of his gills too. Not 100% sure what it is or whats causing it. I got him about a week ago and he's only started...