swim bladder

  1. cdklos

    Blue Hippo Tang has a swim bladder problem or is constipated

    Hello All! I received a large shipment of new fish for my new tank from @Dr. Reef. I think Dr. Reef does a great job and we had no issues, except the Blue Hippo Tang was swimming upside down in the bag. (The only reason I mention Dr. Reef is because the fish was QT'd for 30 days at his facility...
  2. Z

    Fire fish issues

    Hello! I currently have a fire fish that is either swimming vertically (nose down) or on its side. It has no external symptoms (curves, lumps, etc). It is in QT tank with a blue tang, clown fish, watchman goby, and skunkback. The reason for the QT is the blue tang had velvet so I took...
  3. Elbereth

    HELP! Scooter dragonet sick/dying?

    I bought an emaciated ruby red scooter dragonet two weeks ago. He's been eating frozen brine and Reef Nutrition ROE quite well though and started putting on some weight. However, today I found him very lethargic and barely moving and realized I'd let the nitrates get high by feeding him so often...
  4. Lemons

    yellow Tile fish (Hoplolatilus Luteus) swim bladder issue??

    I got these bonded yellow tilefish about a day ago, and at first I thought one of them was just a little chunky. but they appear to be constantly fighting to sink. often resulting in them sticking themselves under something. both of them eat very well to my surprise. I started metro in the...
  5. Moonfruit777

    EMERGENCY *URGENT* Swim bladder Issue?!

    Hey everybody! I'm very concerned about my Nemateleotris helfrichi. I have had him for about 8 months without any issues and a few days ago he started swimming around in a very strange manner with his tailfin raised up. What does he have? My best guess is that it's something with his...
  6. J

    EMERGENCY Clownfish swim bladder

    I have a 35gallon tank with two small clownfish, one black and one orange, my orange clown is staying on the surface of my tank and swimming in its side, he will alternate the side facing however he just stays in a few spaces at the top of my tank always on his side? I think this is a...
  7. T

    Cycling with two clownfish

    Hi so I’m new to the whole saltwater aquarium hobby and I’ve been enjorying it so far. Currently I’m trying to cycle my tank and I have dry rock with salt water and two small clownfish in a 30 gal. Here are the parameters: Salinity 1.023, Ammonia .7 ppm, Nitrite .25 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm, Ph 7.9...
  8. B

    EMERGENCY Blue tang bloated! HELP

    Hello my blue tang is having the same issue. I did epsom salt last night since he didn’t want to eat the pea, although he did eat seaweed yesterday which was the only thing I fed him cause he’s bloated. Is the epsom salt something I add consistently? or how often do I add? I have a 35-40gl tank...
  9. nanonøkk

    new pygmy wrasse has swim bladder issues

    ok so i got a pygmy wrasse last night in the mail i thought it was dead but it wasn’t and it’s condition hasn’t gotten any better besides he’s more aware i found out he had swim bladder issues when i tried to switch him from hiding into a cup and into a pvc pipe while i did that he just kept...
  10. cac0ethes

    Wyoming White Clown EMERGENCY

    Hello, I picked up a young Wyoming White Clown a few days ago. Just a few minutes ago I checked on the tank and he is swimming nose down I thought maybe the return pump was a bit to strong as he was swimming down right below the overflow. I turn it off it has been about 20 minutes and he still...
  11. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  12. B

    Tomini Tang acting strange

    I'm hoping someone can help me identify if something's wrong with my Tomini Tang or if it's recent actions are nothing to worry about. Yesterday I noticed that she was swimming frantically at times as well as swimming sideways. Today I've noticed the same but she's also now acting very...
  13. ThunderGoose

    Swim bladder problem?

    I've got a blackline blenny that has gone through QT with Prazipro and Copper treatments. She is active, eats well, looks really good. BUT when she sleeps she floats up to the surface of the water (and has since she arrived). Any suggestions for further treatment? When do I decide it's just...
  14. Tatertot01

    Clownfish Sinking

    My last night my clownfish started acting weird, but I went to bed thinking that he'd be fine in the morning. This morning I woke up to see him laying on the floor of my tank. I tried to gently lift him with the net, but he started swimming away. I watched him swim for a bit and noticed that...
  15. EMERGENCY FISH OPERATION: Venting A Swim Bladder

    EMERGENCY FISH OPERATION: Venting A Swim Bladder

    Editor’s Note: In the saltwater aquarium hobby, there are many challenges ranging from day to day tasks of maintaining a stable ecosystem to the more difficult issues that can arise due to disease or other problems in the reef. However, some of the rarest issues are those which require something...