surgeon fish

  1. situming123

    Tang family

    My small tank got a big Tang families! Koi tang black tang gem tang scopas tang purple tang yellow tang x 3 blue tang desjardin tang sailfin tang achillies tang blue powder tang emperor angel frame angel japanese swallowtail angel cleaner wrasse china wrasse yellowtail wrasse melanurus wrasse...
  2. Ashv5


    Hey guys, Parting out my tank. I have a very healthy and large 4-5in yellow tang. Raised in a large tank. Good peaceful community fish. He has no history of ich, velvet etc. Has always been healthy and active, on a diet of seaweed and general flake food. Posted below are pics of him eating and...
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    Pair of Paracanthurus hepatus Names: Dory and Yrod
  4. barista7105

    PowderBlue Tang

    Some says this is one of hard fish to keep due to prone to ick. However with proper quarantine and mature tank, it is not impossible to keep PBT for long time. These are my two PBT kept in 220g tank, been keeping them for 4+ years.
Reef Chasers Aquaculture