
  1. C

    New Jersey Suppliments Miscellaneous Drygoods Additives, medications and supplements

    Api quickstart Seachem metroplex-$8 Copper power -$10 Prazipro-$8 Coral rx dip-$10 Brightwell aquatic neophos-$5 Brightwell aquatic neonitro-5 Dr Tim's ammonium chloride Aquasafe plus
  2. harsha22

    New tank - Reef supplement

    Have a 2 month cycled tank with a couple of fish and 3 new corals. 1 each of sps, lps and a mushroom. Will dose AFR after a month or 2 based on test results. Should I any of the below right now? 1. Reef growth - Red sea AB+ Or prodibio bioreef kit or seachem fuel 2. Reef health - Brightwell’s...
  3. KilianSP

    Bamboo Shark iodine food additive

    Hello all, my first Thread here :) i got a bamboo shark. i know for the need for iodine. i feed raw frozen foods and dosing daily iodine to the tank, mostly for the macro algaes. i don´t know if this is enough iodine for a juvenille with 16inch. sadly i can´t get my hands on the mazuri shark...
  4. MarineDepot

    Aquaforest is 10% Off!

    For a limited time, take advantage of great savings on Aquaforest test kits, supplements, coral food, and more. Shop Now!!!
  5. I

    Pennsylvania Suppliments Red Sea Supplements

    Red Sea Supplements -Trace Colors -NOPOX -Foundation Elements $45 (Never Opened, Not Expired)
  6. polyppal

    POLL: What products do you consider 'essentials'?

    We all know there are tons of additives/treatments/supplements in this hobby... Some have proven their worth and others have been branded 'snake oil'... Using the poll tell us what bottles are considered 'essentials' in your fishroom (pick your top 4). If there's one that's not mentioned in the...
  7. ajtomase

    Iodine supplementation for FOWLR tank

    Hi everyone, who out their doses their tank with iodine to help their shrimp molt?
  8. accline

    PNS Yello Sno and Pro Bio

    I love Algae Barn, they have some amazing products. I was wondering if anyone has used the Yellow Sno and Pro Bio in their tanks and what results they have seen from their use. I just put my first dose in my tank. Thanks for any insight in advance
  9. Ehsan@triton


    Hi everyone, Been a while since we have been active here but that is about to change. TRITON has a lot of things happening behind the scenes and we are excited to share some information as we have done in the past. We are happy to note that our US customer base is constantly growing and we...
  10. Coralreefer1

    Aminos, Vitamins and Trace Elements...Oh My...!

    There is and has been much debate over whether, or not, to dose aminos, vitamins and elements for corals and fish in marine aquariums. I am curious as to what other marine aquarists use or don’t use. I perform weekly water changes and only have pico or nano aquariums. However, having said this...
  11. Danh Ngo

    Supplement dosing

    Do you dose supplement for your sps tank? Except Amino acid. Anythings like Iron, Potassium Iodine, Potassium? Currently using reef crystal salt, I dont know if the salt has enough of these element for best coloration.
  12. Zazzy

    Led w/ t5 supplement setting ajustment

    So I'm looking into adding the aquatic life t5ho 36" hybrid fixtures but I just got a few question that hopefully I can find out today. I've been running 2 Hydra 52 HDs on my 90 reef for a good 6 months and everything is looking great. I have a Walt Disney acro and I've noticed of if it doesnt...
  13. sotsreef

    Food for Fathead Dendro?

    what do y’all use to feed Fathead Dendro or do you know what works? I have nano reef roids and regular fish pellets. And will be picking up a single Dendro frag next week, what do you recommend. Thanks,John
  14. AlexChef

    The Holy Grail of Reef Supplements

    I’m searching for the correct combination of supplements to add to my newish reef. I’ve had a fowlr Tank going for about a year now And have began adding coral very slowly, everything is living happily and growing but I know that Better results are achievable with supplementing I already have B...
  15. cwb_reeftank

    It's that time of year again: Christmas

    this might be a little early but it is coming up fast. what are some good Christmas ideas and also what are some good places to get gift certificates from?
  16. alexytman

    Heavy metal suppliment

    I recently got this supplement which has zinc mag nickel etc, this includes copper. I had always thought coppers were bad for reef tank. This supplement was for corals doesnt this kill it
  17. Reef of Fillory

    What is your current Triton Core7 Dosage?

    I just bought Triton supplement package and I am looking to see what people who are using the Triton method have found as their steady/stable dose. If you're using Triton, I'd like to know: 1) What dosage of the Triton supplements are you using? 2) Your total system volume 3) Your stocking...
  18. T

    Disappearing magnesium

    Here is my problem. I need to supplement my magnesium daily to keep the level above 1200, even though the concentration of kH and Ca remain relatively stable. Each day I am adding 25 ml of liquid magnesium supplement. The many experienced reefers in my local club are stumped. 30 gallon JBJ...
  19. HomeSlizzice

    Red Sea RCP vs BRS vs ESV B-Ionic dosing breakdown

    Like the title states, I decided to break down the recommended dosing instructions per brand to help me (and possibly others) when deciding on what supplements to use and dose (and how much if switching). Also Randy, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. I decided to do...
  20. ocncheffy

    What supplements and coral foods should I get?

    I've recently switched over to the probiotic salt in my Nuvo 16g tank that consists of mostly sps/lps. It was an ULNS tank before the switch, and I kept up the nutrients with roids and fuel. I want to dive into the supplemental coral foods from AF but I'm not sure on what to get.. Should I...
  21. C

    Aquaforest - Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle

    Hi, Hoping for some help/advice. I don't use any AF products for my 120G DT or 40G Frag tank. I am currently using BRS 2-Part dosing (Ca, Mg, ALK) along with supplements for the essential components. Use IO Reef salt along with BRS RO System as salt water source for both my tanks. Scenario 1 -...
  22. C

    Reef Supplements - Dosing

    Hi People, I'm trying to get the latest update on Brands/Type of Reef Supplements used by fellow reefers for auto-dosing in a SPS/LPS combo tanks. For this discussion, please exclude the normal Calcium, Alk and Mg liquids, and 10% to 20% water changes. Read a lot of discussions and on...
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