supplemental lighting

  1. S

    AI Blade Strip Led Lights!

    Aqua Illumination now has strip lights! These are LED strip lights that are meant to serve as standalone or supplemental lighting. Sizes arrange from 12” to 66”. I’ll likely get a pair of the 12” Glow lights to supplement my Radion G5 XR15 Pros.
  2. Adam1985

    Should I add supplemental T5’s to my Kessil AP9X setup?

    Hi, I’m hoping for some opinions on whether or not I should add supplemental T5’s to my 2’x2’x2’ (approximately) cube mixed reef. Total volume of around 202 L. I’m currently using a single Kessil AP9X mounted about 10” above the water. Light program is based on BRS suggestions for an AP9X on...
  3. fox0521

    Supplemental blue lighting

    Hello! Running a 4’ long x 2’ x 2’, 120 g. Currently have 2 ai 32’s and two ai 16’s. Running saxby preset (no adjustments). my corals are all happy (hammer, Duncan, zoas, leathers, anacropora, stylophora, gsp, tounge plate, leptoseris, pulsing Xenia, Hollywood stunner chalice, firework cloves...
  4. A

    Supplementary lighting

    I currently have a 4 bulb t5 fixture and it’s great for getting the job done. Grows my corals well and lights the tank up. I don’t have the money to upgrade to an led set up but want to get more of fluorescent from my corals. What is the best lighting that I could add without breaking the bank...
  5. markguida47

    Upgrading RSM 500 to LEDs

    Upgrading RSM 500 to LEDs. Looking for opinions... Tank has been restarted after 3 years since moving. Filled, cycled and starting to be populated with fish. Planning to build DIY open-top canopy to hide lighting. Wanting to use 2-Kessil A360Xs initially and wanting to have some supplemental...