sump setup

  1. L

    Seperate refugium tank above sump, below display tank?

    I'm doing research ahead of time before buying and setting up my first saltwater tank. It will be FOWLR, with the exception of possibly an anemone down the road at some point if/when I'm confident I can take care of one properly. The display tank will be in the range of 20-30 gallons and the...
  2. Devildai

    Acquired Sump set up

    I just acquired this sump from someone leaving the hobby. I didn't look too close at the sump until now and was wondering if anyone had ideas on chamber order or set up.
  3. SuperNarwhal46

    Sump Set-Up

    I have been recently working to set up my 30-gallon sump to filter my 75-gallon tank. (no livestock or anything yet, obviously) I have been having problems with my durso standpipe flushing and making splashing sounds, which I think means I have to make it taller, correct me if I am wrong. I have...