
  1. S

    How to/ what is?? The best sump system

    I inherited a 56 gallon Uniquarium tank with a built in Sump system from a good friend. dimensions: Full tank size: Sump area: 4” D 24” H 36” W Swimmable area: 10.25” D 24” H 36” W The pump sits above a sponge and some ammonia reducing media. The water then passes through a protein skimmer...
  2. gavinb612

    Switching sump out on Red Sea Reefer 170

    Hey all, i’m not happy with my reefer 170’s sump. No dedicated fuge chamber, no ability to customize or do anything. I was wanting to swap it out, the dimensions are tight but I did find a fiji cube sump with what i’d want...
  3. JosephNg

    Please help me identify this "thing"

    Hi everyone, this webbing-like creature appeared today in my sump at ~9pm. It was not their yesterday as well as today in the morning. It did not move as I inspected but I'll check it again tomorrow. Is it bad? Thank you.
  4. aeo29067

    10 gallon DIY sump build for a 30 gallon tank

    Hello, I've got a 30 gallon cube tank with a pair of snow storm clownfish. I've been using a HOB filter but would like to try my hand at using a sump system. I have a spare 10 gallon tank and was thinking about converting it. Anybody have any experience with this? The tank is not drilled and...
  5. S

    Dual Bio wheels in the sump

    Greetings! Just bought a 120gal tank set up second hand. The sump has dual-bio wheels........ What are the thoughts on these as I have never seen them set up like this before. (Not that I have seen a lot)
  6. zoablasto


    Hey, so I'm still pretty new to the hobby. I currently have a nano reef tank, and I'm about to set up an 80-gallon system. It will be including a sump, and I really wanted to do a refugium. I've been hearing a lot of stuff about them, including both positive and negative opinions. Can someone...
  7. powers2001

    Montana F/S: Synergy Reef Systems Triton TS-26 sump. Fusion Green trim. Never used. Will ship.

    Has large refugium section for Triton method. $365 shipped.
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