
  1. E

    No flow coral suggestions

    I have a 13.5 evo. I’ve been on the search for a low flow wave maker. As I have had trouble finding one small enough for this size tank I decided to scratch that idea. However, I have open space directly underneath the flow that gets no movement. I would like to fill in. Any suggestions and or...
  2. newreef1

    Fallow Period

    Hey guys after my last post, I’ve come to the conclusion that I most likely started a mini cycle on my tank which caused my more sensitive fish to die while some of the other remain. I have 6 fish left. I read @Humblefish post about new fallow period wherein you raise the DT to 86F-88F and that...
  3. 1epauletteshark

    Need new document ideas!

    I need more document ideas! I recently made and finished the Nano aquarium fish compatibility guide (really Nano aquarium stocking guide) And now I need some new ideas as I enjoyed making that very...
  4. MariahP

    To touch the back or not to touch the back - that is the question

    Hi team, I have an aio that has the hard plastic back. I’m thinking about doing some aquascaping and back in ye old days I had stacked rock and leaned some of it against the back of the tank. Do you think it’s better to avoid that if possible? My tank is a cube so it would be easy enough to avoid.
  5. Byrongw

    Waterbox 25 Peninsula AIO Filtration Setup Quesiton

    Hello all, I'm here for your critique and suggestions on how to set up the AIO filter chambers on a Waterbox 25 Peninsula. I'm numbering the chambers in the order water would flow through, which happens to be backward of what the attached photo suggests. Chamber 1 is mechanical and bio...
  6. phillipsjo21

    Looking for new tank

    Hi, I've had a nano tank for a year and love it but find myself wanting to buy more exotic fish and coral. I'm looking to buy a bigger tank but have some specs I am looking for as well. I'm looking for a tank that is large enough for multiple larger fish, but I can still maintain myself as far...
  7. johnlanders3

    Hello Aloha from Big Island Hawaii

    Aloha everyone! New to the saltwater fish aquarium world with my son. He is 13 and for has his first tanks. 29 gallon and a 10 gallon. 10 gallon he calls his hospital tank. After he has cycled the tank for a few months, he opted for a few fish to start with. A couple clowns, yellowtail damsel...
  8. newreef1

    Wavemakers suggestions

    Hey guys, I’m back after some time and need your input again. For my Redsea750xxl I’m slowly getting the hang of things and trying to learn more things by the day. I currently have two RedSea 45s on the back of my tank but I notice some debris hangs on towards the front of the tank, I’m assuming...
  9. S

    Lighting & Corals

    So I have my tank already been cycling with live rock for about 1.5 months and I believe im ready for some corals. Here are my specs: Tank Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 17.72"(H) Stand Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 30"(H) Tank Capacity: 24 Gallons Glass Thickness: 8mm Filtration...
  10. newreef1

    Current Status: Any suggestions

    Hey guys, a lot of you guys helped me when my fish were infected with ICH and gave me all sorts of ideas and tips on what to do. So here’s an update and if you guys have any other suggestions, ideas, tips Id love to hear it. So my fish with ICH have been quarantined with Copper and in the QT for...
  11. M

    Long Vacation

    I’m planing on starting a new saltwater aquarium for the first time, I have done a lot of research and it seems the hobby needs weekly if not daily maintenance once the tank is established. I will most likely get Red Sea 350 with the sump but nothing like monitoring system or dosing system yet...
  12. mdavi

    Suggestion on stock

    I am currently looking for ideas and suggestions for my 150g aggressive tank. I so far have: Clown tang Hybrid PB + GR tang Sailfin Dwarf Lion Leaf Scorpion Humu humu Snowflake eel Ghost eel
  13. kennedysherman

    Best Types of Coral to Place on a High Arch?

    What type of coral would be happiest/safest going on the arch of the rock? Currently none of my coral are glued down because I wanted to make sure that they will thrive in their location before it becomes their permanent home. There are plenty of spaces on the main sections of the rock...
  14. F

    Starting a new 125 gallon tank soon, need some suggestions

    So I am moving to a new house soon, and I just bought a 125 gallon long with stand. I already bought an AquaTop titanium 500W heater, two Seachem Tidal 110 filters, I have the lights. I also have an Aqua Advantage 2000 15W hang on UV sterilizer and a Sicce Syncra Silent 1.0. I bought 80lbs of...
  15. spauldingd40

    Help- Aquascape and Coral Placement/additions

    Hi all! We are now a year into our reef tank, and we are wondering if we should change our aquascape- in order to give corals better placement for growth as well as to add more! We feel as if we may have limited our area due to rock placement. We would love any and all suggestions in regards...
  16. agame2021

    Clean up crew

    So I have a 140 gallon with a 30 gallon sump and a 15 gallon top off tank. I have about 100-150 lbs of live rock. I do not have sand in but just found out I have to move the tank (when I move it I will make RO/DI water change because I wasn’t able to start the tank with it.) Once it’s move I...
  17. A

    KessilKessil A160WE Schedule Suggestions

    I have a 32 gallon Biocube with a Kessil A160WE about 4in above the waterline. Things have been going pretty well but wanted to see if anyone had suggestions or tweaks for my schedule. 0900: B100/C0 INT 1 1000: B90/C10 INT 20 1130: B80/C20 INT 40 1230: B60/C40 INT 70 1730: Ramp down B= Blue...
  18. reefsaver

    New Reef Hobbyist - Chalice Corals

    Hello everyone :) Tank: 25G/90L Waterbox Peninsula 25 Inbuilt Sump: Slotted surface baffle to 2.75" 225 Micron filter sock, Bioballs micron bag, Activated carbon micron bag, 100W Heater, Tunze 9001 Skimmer, Smart AutoTopOff lite, 1000lph Aquaone return pump[I replaced a 1000lph return pump that...
  19. M

    Hello New Guy! New Tank! Waterbox 130.4

    Hey all, Recently just purchased the above tank. I am a new marine reefer coming from the freshwater world. I have had my tank for a few weeks now. Cabinet built, sump plumbed. Will be taking my time and updating my progress here with pictures. Still looking into options for all equipment...
  20. Foggy Pirate

    Help with Candy Canes!

    Hey Everyone iv seen some other threads going from it’s corline algea to its dying that you might need to cut off the head, to its regular algae so i figured i would post my pictures. And make my own post for some personal help. So I bought these from Manhatten Aquairums, the guy was really nice...
  21. K

    Stock list suggestions for my tank

    Hello, I'm in the process of reviving my old fowlr tank and trying to convert it to a reef tank. I see the general consensus is to now ignore the old "inch per gallon" rule when it comes to stocking the tank, so what is a realistic stock list of forgiving and hardy fish/corals/inverts for my...
  22. Tinawolf760

    Hello Frost Bite Clowns - Sea Anemone

    Hello!! I am new to reefing and so excited to learn and get started! My tank has cycled, and I just added two frost bite clowns to my fish tank. I would like to get them an anemone, any suggestions?
  23. Eyezik

    20g Long Cheap Lighting | Set up questions

    Hello there. I am just getting into reefing and I am slowly rolling into a 20g long as the money allows. Currently, I am using a Nicrew ClassicLED 12-18inch as I had an extra from my 55g. Right now I have 1 Turbo snail chilling in the tank helping in the cycle (been about 2 weeks). When on a...
  24. D. Torres

    Need Help With Equipment

    Hello everyone. I have a 75g standard size aquarium that I've had running with fairly little issues. I thought I'd be able to jump into a 20g nano tank pretty easily but it hasn't been as easy of a transition. For reference I have have the Innovative Marine 20g Concept Panorama (pic included of...
  25. wolt

    First saltwater reef tank

    This is my first saltwater reef tank that I’ve ever done I would like some opinions on it or some suggestions and tips
Pacific East