
  1. KristianS

    Build Options for 3'x2' area, tank suggestions?

    I have decided to finally get a big(ger) tank this go around. I have a 3ftx2ft area in my living room that is perfect. Looking for some guidance. Opt 1- Red Sea Reefer 250 G1 (sump/stand/tank)-$1500- 20 wide 21ish tall, 36 long opt 2- Red Sea Reefer 250 G2- (sump/stand/tank)-$2000- 20 wide...
  2. Yourlocalreefer

    Future stocking list for 180g?

    Hi I’m setting up a 180g 72 x 24 x 24 inches. My current livestock: (transferring from my current 65g all rock,sand, and water would be transferred as well) 1xscopas tang (small juvenile) 4x chromis 2x ocellaris clownfish 1x brittle starfish 1x cleaner shrimp A couple snails and hermits Future...
  3. apolsod

    Stocking a 15 gallon

    Have a 15 gallon Waterbox cycling and was thinking about what would be interesting to add. Currently have around 8 pounds of dry rock and 2 pounds of live rock, as well as 10 pounds of live sand. I will eventually be adding corals. Anyone have any suggestions for both corals and or fish. This...
  4. EricR

    Change Request for Build Threads

    For each “Build Thread” I’d like to see: Single sticky post at top for current status/pics Updatable by owner to act as kind of a current home page Then the rest of the build thread goes on as usual *just because sometimes I want to see status right now without taking time to catch up on the...
  5. C

    Cleaner Crew Questions

    What recommendations do you have for a cleaner crew for a 125g tank? Also, do they need to be quarantined before placing them in the tank like the fish? Thanks!
  6. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Live Aquaria's terrible customer service.

    I made a mistake in purchasing a checkerboard/marble wrasse and wanted to cancel it an hour or 2 after purchasing at around 10:30pm last night. I sent them a message stating this and this is the response I woke up to on my birthday.So... Basically the order didn't ship at the time of this...
  7. K

    Stock list suggestions

    Hello, I'm in the process of reviving my old fowlr tank and trying to convert it to a reef tank. I see the general consensus is to now ignore the old "inch per gallon" rule when it comes to stocking the tank, so what is a realistic stock list of forgiving and hardy fish/corals/inverts for my...
  8. wolt

    Need help with scape

    Need help with scape I like the left side but I think the ride side needs some help
  9. Carebearsss.x

    Fairy new to Saltwater, setting up 75gallon

    Hello everyone!!! How’s your quarantine going??? My names Caroline & my boyfriend and I are setting up a 75Gallon tank. We were wondering if there are any kind of Tang that we could put in the 75? I know that most of them require 100+Gallons .. but I really want one!! Also any other...
  10. T

    210 Gallon Stocking Suggestions??

    Hello, I have been doing a lot of research and planning for a future 210 gallon tank. I just wanted to receive some stocking suggestions. Currently on my list: x2 Ocellaris Clowns x1 Scopas Tang x1 Yellow Tang x1 Tomini Tang x1 Blue Hippo Tang x1 Blue Throat Trigger x 1 Aptasia Eating File...
  11. Diveks

    Small fish suggestion for 210 gallon tank

    Hey this is my first post here, i have a 210 gallon fish only tank with an emperor angel, a regal angel, a Naso tang, banner fish, a damsel i got from a friend, and an anthias. I am thinking of getting one more tang, but im not sure how much fish would be overstocking the tank. I also want some...
  12. AquaHobby31

    In Detroit on business...searching for LFS

    hi guys what is the best lfs in the Detroit metro area that is worth visiting and actually buying something? Who has the best prices? Anyone have good rock Flower Anemone?
  13. Peach02

    Suggestions on a 33g active swimmer

    basically I’m looking to add a active swimmer to my 33g tank 120L I’ve thought of a coral beauty but there is various tank sizes that people say they need some smaller some bigger than my tank?
  14. KMench

    Nipping or too much flow?

    I've had a 2" Maxima I purchased off divers den for about ten days now. I had initially placed it on the rockwork and it opened up. A few hours after I noticed it was not open as much. Ever since then it hasn't fully extended its mantle. I do have a yellow longnose butterfly, but have not seen...
  15. Johnson

    The Right Way To Return???

    I am in the middle of figuring out plumbing returns and over flows and I can't figure out how to set up my returns for a sleek look. I'm building a custom 450 gal. I am running a hammerhead/ barracuda reeflo from my basement. I know the outlet is inch and a half. I was debating on using loc line...
  16. Johnson

    Custom corner drop off tank diy

    Hello everyone Ive been in the hobby for about 2 years now and have been contemplating a custom tank build. I have 2 150 gallon tanks now one a 150 tall and a 150 half moon. I have some larger tangs that are starting to out grow the 150 half moon . So I was thinking about doing a 450 gallon L...
  17. DragonNamedPuff

    Sugegestions please :)

    I'm brand new to the hobby, I have a 55 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump that I bought from a friend. Running an AquaIllumination Hydra LED and a VorTech MP10w. So I would like a bunch of suggestions for what to stock my tank with!? Inverts, fish, and coral? You could say I have a blank...